Browse Records by Title

Flag Title

Pelletier, Francine

Solaris No. 26(4; [#149]): 22-30. Printemps 2004.

Guiod, Jacques

Galaxie No. 104: 145-150. Jaanvier 1973.

Guiod, Jacques

Galaxie No. 102: 121-125. novembre 1972.

Barbèri, Jacques; Comballot, Richard

Imagine 38:69-81. February 1987.

Guiod, Jacques

Galaxie No. 82: 146-151. mars 1971.

Duvic, Patrice

Galaxie No. 100: 135-150. Septembre 1972.

Noel, Patrick

Galaxie No. 96: 124-132. mai 1972.

Beaulieu, Rene

Solaris No. 145: 116-123. Spring 2003.

Duvic, Patrice

Galaxie No. 103: 3-21. décembre 1972.

Gentilhomme, Serena

Solaris No. 145: 96-102. Spring 2003.

Fabre, Michel; Mustiere, Philippe

Nantes: Coiffard Libraire Éditeur, 2013. 457 p.

Mustiere, Philippe

Nantes: Coiffard, 2013. 457 p.

No authors listed.

in: Beacham, Walton et al. Beacham's Popular Fiction 1991 Update. Washington, DC: Beacham, 1991. pp.1045-1055.

Haw, Kevin H.

In: Cuddy, Luke; Nordlinger, John, Eds. World of Warcraft and Philosophy: Wrath of the Philosopher King. Chicacgo, IL: Open Court Books, 2009. p. 13-16.

Zimmerman, Manfred

Mythlore 8(2):21. Summer 1981.

Imre, Attila

Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica 12(3): 70-87. November 2020.

Gabai, Sara

Master's Thesis, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2013. 96 p.

McKinley, Virginia Susan Gallaher

Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1986. 246 p. (DAI-A 47(7).)

Langlet, Irene

Europe 79(870): 103-116. Octobre 2001.

Arnold, J. J.

St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch April 29, 1982. in: NewsBank. Social Relations, 3:G1. 1982.

Butler, Andrew M.; March-Russell, Paul

Canterbury UK: Gylphi Limited, 2022. 306 p.

No authors listed.

Locus 17(7):5. July 1984.

Sheldon, Robert

Extrapolation 28(3): 255-268. Fall 1987.

Reynolds, Roger

in: The Future Focus Book of Lists II: The Sequel. Findlay, OH: Future Focus, 1987. pp.62-64.

Hardesty, Willliam H., III

in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 1759-1763.

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