Berman, Justus Peña; Brune, Krista; Gsoels-Lorensen, Jutta; Higgins, MaryEllen; Rivera, Alex.; Sierra Audivert, Ibis; Truglio, Maria
Comparative Literature Studies 60(3): 578-605. 2023.
Rocha, James; Rocha, Mona
Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 19(1/2; [#53/54]): 185-226. Summer/Fall 2021.
Lacassagne, Aurelie
in: Aurelie Lacassagne, Tim Nieguth and Francois Depelteau, eds. Investigating Shrek: Power, Identity and Ideology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. p. 15-26.
Laguarta-Bueno, Carmen
New York: Routledge, 2023. 196 p.
Mandala, Susan
in: Wilcox, Rhonda V., and Cochran, Tanya R.,eds. Investigating Firefly and Serenity: Science Fiction on the Frontier. New York: I. B. Taurus, 2008. p. 31-40.
Allen, Graham
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2025. 224 p.
Sergeant, David
Novel: A Forum on Fiction 53(1): 1-15. May 2020.
Dridi, Yosr
Film International (Enskede, Sweden) 21(1-2 [103]): 7-25. March 2023.
Fumagalli, Maria C.
Ariel 33(1): 62-82. January 2002.
Arias, Theresa; Branch, Frank; Kennah, Jolene; Lee, Jin Ha; Phillips, Rebekah; Windlharth, Travis
Journal of the Association for Information Science Technology 68(12): 2017. 2771-2782.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 11(7): 4. April 1990.
Pollock, Dale
New Orleans Times Picayune Sec. 2, p. 8. May 26, 1982.
Science Fiction Chronicle 16(7): 5. June/July 1995.
Fantasy Times No. 165:1. November 1952.
Science Fiction Times No. 461:7. December 1968.
Engle, Patricia M.
in: Tinkler-Villani, Valeria and Barfoot, C. C., ed. Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow: Literature's Refraction of Science. Vol. 2. New York: Rodopi, 2011. p. 825-844.
Shaff, Jennifer
Master's Thesis, Trinity College, 1999. [1], 72, [3] p.
Bronson, Zak
Paradoxa No. 26: 81-96. 2014. (SF Now, ed. by Mark Bould and Rhys Williams)
Gold, Barri J.
Nineteenth-Century Studies 14: 173-198. 2000.
Cunningham, John
In: Rosen, Matt, ed. Diseases of the Head: Essays on the Horrors of Speculative Philosophy. Coppell, TX: Punctum Books, 2020. p. 483-498.
Hinders, Katherine E.
Master's Thesis, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2019. 92 p. (MAI 81(4)(E).)
Barr, Marleen S.
in: Barr, Marleen S., ed. Alien to Femininity. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987. pp.125-153.
Dielissen, Carina
in: Rickman, Gregg, ed. The Science Fiction Film Reader. New York: Limelight, 2004. p. 335-342.
Roche, Claire M.
in: Cuddy, Lois A. and Roche, Claire M., eds. Evolution and Eugenics in American Literature and Culture, 1880-1940: Essays on Ideological Conflict and Complicity. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2003. p. 259-275.
Hua, Linh U.
African American Review 44(3): 391-407. Fall 2011.
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