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in: Klenke, Pascal, Muth, Laura, Seibel, Klaudia, and Simonis, Annette, eds. Writing Worlds: Welten- und Raummodelle der Fantastik. Heidelberg, Neckar Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, 2014. p. 15-36.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 21(2): 14. February/March 2000.
Wooster, Martin M.
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 788-789.
Locus 39(5): 70. November 1997.
Science Fiction Chronicle 19(3/4): 28. February 1998.
Benford, Gregory
Locus 39(6): 82. December 1997.
Hicks, Serena Raquel
Master's Thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2021. 157 p. (MAI 83(5)(E).)
in: Lesniak, James G., ed. Contemporary Authors. Detroit: Gale Research, 1991. New Revision Series, Vol. 33, pp.378.
Larsen, Kristine
BSF Journal No. 17: 29-40. 2016.
Petillon, Chantal
In: Huftier, Arnaud, ed. La Belgique : un jeu de cartes? De Rosny aîné à Jacques Brel. Valenciennes : Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2003. p. 217-236.
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Duncan, Jody
Cinefex No. 134: 12-44. July 2013.
McConnell, Frank
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Fennell, Jack
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Lowe, Nick
Interzone No. 87: 25. September 1994.
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Cinefantastique 27(9): 60. May 1996.
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P*S*F*Q 6: 9-13, 21-24, 35. Fall 1981.
Paulsen, Steven
Sirius (Aust.) No. 9: 10-14. June 1995.
Wagar, W. Warren
in: Rabkin, Eric S., ed. The End of the World. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. pp. 73-96.
Morris, Barry.
In: Kreider, Jodie A. and Winchell, Meghan K., eds. Buffy in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching with the Vampire Slayer. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2010. p. 46-60.
Gillespie, Bruce
Scratch Pad (Australia) No. 42: 3-6. April 2001. (Online at )
Palisano, John
In: Mynhardt, Joe and Johnson, Eugene, eds. It's Alive! Bringing Nightmares to Life. South Africa: Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018. p. 391-412.
Science Fiction Studies 33(3): 388-404. November 2006. (Comment: Bleiler, Everett. Science Fiction Studies 34(1): 169-170. March 2007.)
Chan, Angela YT; Ma, Mia Chen; Ooi, Yen; Schneider-Vielsacker, Frederike; Wang, Regina Kanyu
SFRA Review 51(4): 217-231. Fall 2021.
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