Browse Records by Title

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Grogan, Marie S.

In: Farr, Cecilia K., ed. Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 77-92.

Whitlark, James

in: Rollyson, Carl, ed. Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Pasadena, CA: Salem, 2010. Vol. 7, p. 3818-3922.

Jacobs, Kathryn

in: Reid, Robin A., ed. Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. Volume 2, p. 267-268.

No authors listed.

Locus 53(2): 74. August 2004.

No authors listed.

Chronicle 26(10): 21. October 2004. (No. 252)

Fox, Jordan

Cinefex 5: 42-53. July 1981.

Alamo, Joaquin M.

Helice: Reflexiones criticas sobre ficcion especulativa No. 12: 59-75. November 2009.

Christopher, Joe R.

Mythlore 22(1): 33-46. Autumn 1997. (No. 83)

Shapiro, Marc

Starlog 133:53-55, 71. August 1988.

Lyons, Mike

Cinefantastique 31(12)-32(1): 124. June 2000.

Damsits, AndrewSteven; Klugerman, Barry

San Diego CA: IDW Publishing, 2019. 315 p.

No authors listed.

Locus 48(5): 70. May 2002.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 4(7):5. April 1983.

No authors listed.

Locus 16(4):23. April 1983.

No authors listed.

Locus 78(6): 81. June 2017.

Goldberg, Lee

Starlog 90:19-22. January 1985.

No authors listed.

File 770 No. 143: 16. July 2004.

No authors listed.

File 770 No. 158: 13-14. April 2010.

Greenberger, Robert

Starlog 84: 50-51, 94. July 1984.

Wilcutt, Dennis

Burroughs Bulletin No. 92: 41-47. Fall 2014.

Larsen, Kristine

Journal of Tolkien Research 18(1): [ Article 8, 16 p.].

Shapiro, Marc

Starlog 280: 72-74. November 2000.

Tenn, William

in: World Science Fiction Convention. Noreascon 4: 62nd World Science Fiction Convention. Program Book. Boston: Noreascon 4, 2004. p. 31-34.

Gardner, Martin

Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 8(1): 71-81. January 1955.

Gardner, Martin

Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction 8(2): 64-74. February 1955.

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