Gottschalk, Earl C., Jr.
Wall Street Journal p. 20. October 28, 1985.
Nichols, Phil
New Ray Bradbury Review No. 1: 79-90. 2008.
Sullivan, Anita T.
English Journal 61(9): 1309-1314. December 1972.
DeArmond, William D.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1981. 193pp. (DAI-A 42(10).)
Wade, David
Times (London) No. 57249: 19. May 11, 1968.
Kahan, Jeffrey
New Ray Bradbury Review No. 7: 17-33. 2023.
Patai, Daphne
Society 50(1): 41-47. February 2013.
Pierce, Hazel
in: Olander, J. D. and M. H. Greenberg, eds. Ray Bradbury. New York: Taplinger, 1980. pp. 165-185. Reprinted in Bloom, Harold, ed. Ray Bradbury. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2001. pp.55-74.
Cook, Bruce
Catholic World 200(1198):224-230. January 1965.
Touponce, William F.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, 1981. 381 p. (DAI-A 41(12): 5093, June 1981.) (Published 1993 by UMI Research Press.)
Toupence, W. F.
Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1984, c1981. 131 p.
San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1998. 168pp. Second edition, revised and expanded.
Stec, Glorialea R. M.
Master's Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1977. 95pp.
Teicher, Morton I.
Thomas Wolfe Review 12(2): 17-19. Fall 1988.
No authors listed.
New Ray Bradbury Review No. 1: 176-177. 2008.
Gioia, Dana; Weller, Sam
Los Angeles Review of Books December 28, 2020. From the online edition: Accessed 28.December.2020.
Randerson, Middy
Houston Post p.F10. July 7, 1985.
Nicholls, Stan
in: Nicholls, Stan. Wordsmiths of Wonder: Fifty Interviews with Writers of the Fantastic. London: Orbit, 1993. pp.125-136.
Weisenburg, Michael
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 526-527. November 2020.
Nolan, William F.
Detroit: Gale Research, 1975. 339 p.
Pagetti, Carlo
Studi Americani (Roma) 11:409-429. 1965.
Deutsch, Michael
Critique No. 22:608-609. July 1957.
Bradbury, Ray
Provo, UT: KBYU-TV, 1988. 1 videocassette,
Science Fiction Chronicle 21(1): 8. December 1999.
Science Fiction Chronicle 299): 14. June 1981.
Found 6,330 items on 254 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.