Johnson, Amy E. B.
LA Weekly News [4 p.] May 30, 2007. (Online resource:
Braniff, Beverly S.
ESTSF: Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 3(1): 95-100. Fall 2002.
Miller, Calvin
in: Yancey, Phiip, ed. Reality and the Vision. Dallas: Word Publishing, 1990. p. 92-101.
Moskowitz, Sam
Sambo No. 4 (FAPA Fanzine, Included in FAPA Mailing) (Presented as a speech at "Philly", with comments in Fantasy Times,and editorials in Science Fiction Quarterly and Future Science Fiction.
Nicholls, Stan
Interzone 43: 31-34. January 1991.
No authors listed.
Comics Buyer's Guide p. 26. September 13, 1991.
Columbia, MO: American Audio Prose Library, 1980. 1 audiocassette.
Piddock, Charles
Pleasantville, NY: Gareth Stevens, 2009. 112 pl
Geipel, Gary
Amtrak Express 3(7): 25-27. July 1983.
Mass, Wendy
Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2004. 104 p.
Online Resource: CNN.Com. [4 p.] January 23, 2002.
Elliot, J. M.
in: Elliot, Jeffrey, ed. Science Fiction Voices #2. San Bernardino, CA.: Borgo Press, 1979. pp. 20-29.
Nolan, William F.
in: Aggelis, Steven, ed. Conversations with Ray Bradbury. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2004. p. 80-84. Reprinted from: Unity p. 44-47. April, 1972. Reprinted in: Nolan, William F. Nolan on Bradbury: Sixty Years of Writing about the Master of Science Fiction. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2013. p. 87-92.
Kubicek, David
Lincoln, Neb.: Kubicek, 1977. 80pp. [Not seen; not verified.]
Wylie, Judith B.
Santa Anita Originals (Arcadia, CA) pp. 5-6, 26. Fall 1990.
Snowden, George
Qua Brot No. 1: 27-28. 1985.
Brock, Jason V.
in: Brock, Jason V. Disorders of Magnitude: A Survey of Dark Fantasy. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. p. 39-40. (Reprinted from Dark Discoveries, Spring 2009)
Locus 24(4): 7, 52. April 1990.
Cropper, Fred
Paperback Parade No. 51: 91-. January 1999.
Weller, Sam
New York: Melville House, 2015. 92 p.
Eller, Jonathan R.; Touponce, William F.
Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2004. 570 p.
Henderson, Randi
Baltimore Sun April 22, 1990. in: NewsBank. Literature 44:G9-G10. 1990. Also in: NewsBank. Names in the News NIN 156: F13-F14. 1990.
Leiva, Steven P.
SFWA Bulletin 47(1): 19-23. Winter 2013 (No. 200)
Gorney, Cynthia
Washington Post Sec. B, p. 1, 11. January 28, 1980.
Curtis, Bryan
Slate Magazine [3 p.] September 1, 2005. (Online resource:
Found 6,329 items on 254 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.