Browse Records by Title

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Morris, Robyn

West Coast Line 38(2): 69-86. Fall 2004.

James, Robert; Patterson, William H., Jr.

Foundation No. 97: 11-27. Summer 2006.

Smith, Philip

Literature Compass 8(11): 830-839. November 2011.

Grech, Marija

Journal of Modern Literature 44(3): 146-163. Spring 2021.

Habib, Samir

Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship 4(2): 334–348. 2007.

Nandy, Rimi

SFRA Newsletter 51(1): . Winter 2021. (Symposium: Beyond Borders)

Sklar, Elizabeth

Arthuriana 11(4): 53-63. 2001.

Kilbourn, Russell

Canadian Journal of Film Studies 9(2): 43-54. Fall 2000.

Gloge, Andreas

Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 41: 44-52. July 2003.

Ellison, Harlan

Locus 10(10):3. December 1977.

Sanders, Joe

New York Review of Science Fiction No. 109: 1, 8.-11 September 1997.

Pearson, Brook W. R.

in: Riches, Simon, ed. The Philosophy of David Cronenberg. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2012. p. 155-174.

Sahay, Vrunda Stampwala

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2006. ix, 210 p.

Barris, Ken

Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa 29(2): 131-140. 2017.

Bride, Amy

Supernatural Studies 3 (2): 36-48 (Fall/Winter 2016).

Murray, Joanne

European Journal of American Culture 30(2): 151-168. 2011.

Picart, Caroline J. S.

Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15(4): 382-404. 1998.

Szalay, Jeff

Starlog 46: 40-41. May 1981.

James, Daron The Envelope, January 5, 2023: 16-17.

Natov, Roni

in: Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna, Oziewicz, Marek C., and Zarzycka, Agata, eds. Relevant Across Cultures: Visions of Correctness in Modern Fantasy Literature for Young Readers. Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2009. p. 107-118.

Dawidziak, Mark

Cinefantastique 20(3): 6-9, 58. January 1990.

Krulik, Ted

in: Staicar, Tom, ed. Critical Encounters II. New York: Ungar, 1982. pp. 1-14.

McLemee, Scott

Chronicle of Higher Education [4 p.] June 4, 2004. (Cited from the online edition)

Coville, Gary A.; Lucanio, Patrick J.

Filmfax No. 21: 54-57. July 1990.

Rosen, Judith

Publishers Weekly250(26): 24-35. June 30, 2003.

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