Schweitzer, Darrell
Science Fiction Chronicle 22(10): 60-61. October 2001. (No. 217)
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 14(2): 4. November 1992.
Knight, Damon
In: Ortiz, Luis, ed. The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960. Greenwood, DE: Nonstop Press, 2019. p. 218-219. Reprinted from Spaceways No. 14, July 1940.
Fitting, Peter
Utopian Studies 2(1/2): 24-29. 1991.
Corliss, Julia C.
Master's Thesis, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA, 1984. x, 317 p.
Chapman, Joe
Daily News-Telegram Section X, p. 5. November 11, 1956.
Fantasy Times No. 256:6. October (1) 1956.
Business Wire p. 283. July 15, 2002. (Cited from Insite 2 online database.)
O'Keefe, Deborah
New York: Continuum, 2006. 222 p.
New York: Continuum, 2003. 222 p.
Gunn, James E.
in: Slusser, G. E. and E. S. Rabkin, eds. Hard Science Fiction. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986. pp.70-81. (Reprinted in: Gunn, James, ed. Speculations on Speculation. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2005. p. 81-94.)
Bildner, Christian
in: Gaisbauer, R. Gustav, ed. Phantastische Filmwelten: Sechster Kongress der Phantasie. Passau: Erster Deutscher Fantasy Club, 2005. p. 22-25.
Abcarian, Robin
Los Angeles Times pp.E1- E2. March 5, 1991. in: NewsBank. Literature 25: G11-G12. 1991.
Spratford, Becky Siegel
Chicago : American Library Association, 2012. 184 p.
Chicago: ALA Editions, 2021. xv, 182 p.
Easterbrook, Neil
in: Westfahl, Gary, ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. p. 652-654.
Marshall, Cynthia
in: McGillis, Roderick, ed. For the Childlike: George MacDonald's Fantasies for Children. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1992. pp. 99-109.
Mabbott, Maureen C.
University of Mississippi Studies in English ns. 3: 96-101. 1982.
Aikins, Janet E.
in: Smith, Frederik N., ed. The Genres of Gulliver's Travels. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1990. pp.203-229.
Yaszek, Lisa
Science Fiction Studies 47(3): 374-376. November 2020. (SFS Symposium: Thinking Through the Pandemic)
Gill, Candra K.
in: Lothian, Alexis, ed. The Wiscon Chronicles, Volume 6: Futures of Feminism and Fandom. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct Press, 2012. p. 186-188.
Carey, Craig
American Literary Realism 45(3): 210-228. Spring 2013
Harrington, Nathaniel
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2022. 232 p. (DAI-A 83(12)(E).)
Lockman, Darcy
Instructor 110(1): 53-56. August 2000.
Ringo, Rano; Sharma, Jasmine
ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 17(1) 111-124. January 2020.
Found 6,329 items on 254 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.