Browse Records by Title

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Ringo, Rano; Sharma, Jasmine

ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 17(1) 111-124. January 2020.

Schweickart, P. P.

Modern Fiction Studies 31(2): 263-279. Summer 1985.

Selonick, Helen

Bachelor's Thesis, Williams College (Massachusetts), 2007. 83 p.

Lerner, Fred

Niekas 27:36-40. August 1981. Also in: Lerner, Fred. A Bookman's Fantasy: How Science Fiction Became Respectable, and Other Essays. Framingham, Mass.: NESFA Press, 1995. pp.19-25.

Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna

Children's Literature in Education 51:144–159. June 2020.

Leane, Elizabeth

in: Sawyer, Andy, Butler, Andrew M., and Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. A Celebration of British Science Fiction. Guildford, UK: Science Fiction Foundation, 2005. (Foundation 34(1; #93). Spring 2005.) p. 18-25.

Hoben, John

in: Thomas, Paul L., ed. Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction: Challenging Genres. Boston: Sense Publishers, 2013. p. 95-118.

Thomas, Paul E.

Arthuriana 16(2): 84-87. Summer 2006.

Janicker, Rebecca

Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. 218 p.

Prabir, Meghna

In: Hinton, KaaVonia and Chandler, Karen M., eds. Teaching Black Speculative Fiction: Equity, Justice, and Antiracism. New York: Routlege, 2024. p. 26-35.

Clinton, Greg

New York: Enslow Publishing, 2017. 112 p.

Sammons, Todd H.

Extrapolation 26(3 263-270. Fall 1985.

Knoespel, Kenneth J.

Configurations 20(1/2): 109-136. Winter-Spring 2012

Tebbutt, Glorie

Twentieth Century Literature 39(1): 47-58. Spring 1993.

Evans, Robert C.

In: Evans, Robert C. The Lord of the Rings. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2022. p. 69-98.

Crowley, John

in: Crowley, John In Other Words. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2006. p. 7-14.

McDonald, C. V.

Science-Fiction Studies 3(3):248-254. November 1976.

Abbott, Stacey

New York: Taurus, 2003. 265 p.

Garrard, Greg

in: Volkmann, Laurenz, et al, eds. Local Natures, Global Responsibilities: Ecocritical Perspectives on the New English Literatures. Amsterdam: Rodopi; 2010. p. 223-242.

Marcus, Sharon

Critical Inquiry 48(3): 437-458. Spring 2022.

Benton, Carol L.

in: Wilson, Sharon R., Friedman, Thomas B. and Henren, Shannon, eds. Approaches to Teaching Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Other Works. New York: Modern Language Association, 1996. p. 84-89.

Van Kuiken, Jerome

In: Estes, Douglas, ed. Theology and Tolkien: Practical Theology. Lexington Books, 2023. p. 103-120.

Brzezinska, Justyna

In: Blaszkiewicz, Bartlomiej, ed. George R. R. Martin's ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and the Medieval Literary Tradition. Warszawa: Wydawn. Uniw. Warszawskiego, 2014. p. 231-246.

Barker, Simon J.; Britton, Piers D.

Austin, University of Texas Press, 2003. 251 p.,

Tomaiuolo, Saverio

in: Brock, Marilyn, ed. From Wollstonecraft to Stoker: Essays on Gothic and Victorian Sensation Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. p. 102-119.

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