Browse Records by Title

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Mabee, Barbara

Femspec 1(2): 16-29. 2000

Gouldesbrough, Sarah

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Oxford (UK), 2019. (DAI-C 83(5)(E).) 317 p. (2.9 Mb)

Bekaan, Brigitte

Thesis, Carl-von-Ossietzky Universitat, Oldenburg, Germany, 2002. 75 P.

Manago, Isabella

in: Velten, Hans R. and Imorde, Joseph, eds. Fantasy Aesthetics: Visualizing Myth and Middle Ages , Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024. p. 239-280.

Manago, Isabella

In: Velten, Hans Rudolf; Imorde, Joseph, eds. Fantasy Aesthetics: Visualizing Myth and Middle Ages, 1880-2020. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024. p. 239-290.

Crick, Bernard

in: George Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress, 1985. pp. 97-103.

Yang, Qiong

New Ray Bradbury Review No. 5: 86-101. 2016.

Baltruschat, Doris; Martin, Jennifer G.; Mathijs, Ernest

Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 13(2): 175-198. November 2016.

Jacks, Nilda

Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies 13(2): 308-327. November 2016.

Radian, Sanda

Romanian Review No. 1: 89-97. 1981.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 3(6):5. March 1982.

Nazzaro, Joe

Starlog 201: 46-49. April 1994.

Banco, Michael

In: Van Riper, Cynthia J. and Van Riper, A. Bowdoin., eds. Dark Forces at Work. Essays on Social Dynamics and Cinematic Horrors. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020. p. 79-98.

Frankel, Valerie E.

In: Frankel, Valerie E., ed. Fan Phenomena: Harry Potter. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, 2019. p. 208-229.

Luxbacher, Gunther

in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr No. 2, 1987. Munchen: Heyne, 1987. p. 116-122.

Bozzetto, Roger

in: Fantastique et science-fiction: théorie, modernité et renouvellement : la littérature fantastique en Chine et au Japon. Nantes : Faculté des lettres et sciences, humaines de Nantes, 1997. p. 15-26.

Disch, Thomas M.

in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2005. Munchen: Heyne, 2005. p. 74-97.

Hollinger, Veronica

SFRA Review 51(3): 52-53. Summer 2021.

Mukherjee, Upamanyu Pablo

SFRA Review 51(3): 50. Summer 2021.

Jue, Melody

SFRA Review 51(3): 40. Summer 2021.

Lyu, Guangzhao

SFRA Review 51(3): 39. Summer 2021.

Dillon, Grace

SFRA Review 51(3): 44-45. Summer 2021.

Conn, Virginia L.; Duncan, Andy

SFRA Review 51(3): 42. Summer 2021.

Sheley, Erin

Mythlore 31(1/2): 105-118. Fall 2012. (No. 119/120)

Walker, Jeanne M.

Renascence 33(2): 67-85. Winter 1981.

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