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Poissant, Louise

in: Science et science fiction: actes du IVème colloque international de Science-fiction Nice-Valbonne Sophia Antipolis. Nice : Centre d'Etude de la Métaphore Faculté des Lettres Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 1992. (Métaphores no. 20-21-22.) Vol. 2, p. 573-590.

Travers, Peter

House and Garden 164(1): 94-95. January 1992.

Frank, Scott

Science as Culture 12(4): 428-469. December 2003.

Quinby, Lee; Walliss, John

Sheffield, UK: Phoenix Press, 2010. 179 p.

Fristoe, Roger

(Louisville, KY) Courier-Journal. July 23, 1995. in: NewsBank. Film and Television. 82:D8-D9. 1995.

Konow, David

New York : St. Martin's Griffin, 2012. 595 p.

Barlow, Aaron

in: Brooker, Will, ed. The Blade Runner Experience: The Legacy of a Science Fiction Classic. New York : Wallflower, 2005. p. 43-58.

Swanwick, Michael

Washington Post Book World. p. 3. April 7, 2002.

de Kerckhove, Derrick

in: Science et science fiction: actes du IVème colloque international de Science-fiction Nice-Valbonne Sophia Antipolis. Nice : Centre d'Etude de la Métaphore Faculté des Lettres Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 1992. (Métaphores no. 20-21-22.) Vol. 1, p. 215-238,

Bray, Suzanne; Gavin, Adrienne E.; Merchant, Peter

Middlesex : Cambridge Scholars Publicaitons, 2008. 278 p.

Ciccone, Anthony J.

in: Yates, Donald A., ed. Otros Mundos, Otros Fuegos. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan State University, 1975. p. 113-116.

Zaidi, Ali S.

Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature 17(1): 18-23. 2008. (No. 45)

Trubowitz, Rachel

Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 11(2): 229-245. Fall 1992.

Antón, Laeticia Rovecchio

Brumal: Revista de Investigacion sobre lo Fantastico. 2(2): 109-128. Autumn 2014. (

Krause, Joy

Milwaukee Journal. July 21, 1982. in: NewsBank. Business and Economic Development 65:B11. 1982.

Handrahan, Laura A.

(Albany N.Y.) Times-Union August 7, 1982. in: NewsBank. Business and Economic Development 73:G2. 1982/1983.

Breslin, Eric J.

Internet Review of Science Fiction 3(6): [4 p.] July 2006.

No authors listed.

in: Twentieth Century Authors. New York: Wilson, 1942. P. 1157.

Sebastian-Martin, Miguel

Science Fiction Studies 48(2):332-353. July 2021.

d'Andrea, Patrizia

In: Vas-Deyres, Natacha, Bergeron, Patrick, and Patrick Guay, eds. C'était demain: anticiper la science-fiction en France et au Québec (1880-1950). Bordeaux: Presses Univeritaires de Bordeaux, 2018. (Eidolon, No. 123.) p. 85-98.

Kray, Susan

Femspec 4(2): 7-45. 2004.

Joana Caetano, Mariana Oliveira; Ramalhete Gomes, Miguel

In: Botelho, Teresa, Ramalthemes-Gomes, Miguel; Reis, Jose Eduardo, eds. Utopian Foodways: Critical Essays. Porto: University of Porto Press, 2019. p. 73-94.

Brunner, John

Focus: an SF Writers' Magazine (BSFA) 4: 21-23. Spring 1981.

Ackerman, Forrest J; Strickland, A. W.

Bloomington, IN.: T. I. S., 1981. 397 p.

Lee, Walt

Los Angeles: Chelsea-Lee Books, 1972-1974. 3 volumes.

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