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Lohr, Michael

Cemetery Dance No. 66: 49-52. 2012.

No authors listed.

In: Linsenmayer, Penny and Thomas, Ebony, eds. Selected Papers from Nimbus-2003 Compendium. Houston TX: HP Education Fanon, 2005. p. 265-290.

Collins, Samuel G.

Science Fiction Studies 30(2): 180-198. July 2003.

No authors listed.

Locus 70(1): 51. January 2013.

Turner, George

American Cinematographer 73(8): 67-71. August 1992.

Lucas, Paul

Strange Horizons March 15, 2004. ( Accessed 2.February.2014.)

Lnagan, John

Fantasy Commentator 11(1/2): 124-136. Summer 2004. (No. 57/58)

Greiner, Donald J.

in: Morace, Robert A. and VanSpanckeren, Kathryn, eds. John Gardner: Critical Perspectives. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982. pp. 76-88.

Holliday, Liz

Interzone No. 154: 29-32. April 2000.

Martin, Catherine G.

in: Hayden, Judy A., ed. Literature in the Age of Celestial Discovery From Copernicus to Flamsteed. New York: Plagrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 109-132.

Roche, Norma

Mythlore 17(4; [66]): 16-20, 62. Summer 1991.

Weaver, Tom

Starlog 312: 35-41. July 2003.

Wiley, Les

EI 8(1): 8-12. February 2009. (No. 42)

Benford, James

in: Benford, James and Benford, Gregory, eds. Starship Century. Microwave Sciences, 2013. p. 193-204.

Kremmel, Laura R.

In: Bacon, Simon, ed. Undead in the 21st Century, The. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022. p. 119-126.

Lee, Patrick

Sci-Fi: The Official Magazine of the Sci-Fi Channel 8(6): 40-42. December 2002.

Tobin, Thomas J.

The Journal of William Morris Studies 15(4): 94-108. Summer 2004.

Cahill, Thomas

in: Shaw, Luci, ed. The Swiftly Tilting Worlds of Madeleine L'Engle. Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw, 1998. p. 37-44.

Watt, Mike

Cinefantastique 34(6): 20. October/November 2002.

Watt, Mike

Cinefantastique 34(6): 18-21. October/November 2002.

Cherewatuk, Karen

Arthuriana 5(1): 62-78. Spring 1995.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Times No. 363:3. June 1961.

Manfredini, Irene

in: Firpo, Luigi. Studi sull'utopia. Firenze: Olschki, 1977. pp.309-331.

Burns, Marjorie

in: Kerry, Paul E., ed. The Ring and the Cross: Christianity and the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011. p. 246-258

Wooton, Richard tT.

in: Parkin, Marny K. and Steve Stezer, eds. Deep Thoughts: Proceedings of Life, The Universe and Everything XIV, January 31-February 3, 1996. Provo, UT: LTU&E, 1998. pp. 43-52.

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