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Jenkins, Henry

Advertising & Society Quarterly 20(3): . 2019. Project MUSE

Dolan, Timothy

Journal of Futures Studies 24(3): 105–112. March 2020.

Greenlaw, M. Jean

Educational Horizons 65(4):165-166. Summer 1987.

Radford, John

Foundation 10:28-33. June 1976.

Skeels, D. R.

The Trend in Engineering at the University of Washington 23(4):10-15,31. October 1971. also in: Ashwing 9:5-12. December 1971.

Hughes, Monica

ALAN Review 19(3): 2-5. Spring 1992.

Alvarado, R. C.

in: Ferro, David L. and Swedin, Eric G., eds. Science Fiction and Computing: Essays on Interlinked Domains. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. p. 205-213.

C., T.; Sutton, Marilyn

Western Folklore 28:230-237. October 1969.

Sutton, Marilyn; Sutton, Thomas C.

Western Folklore (Logan, UT) 28(4): 230-237. Octobr 1969.

Feraferia, C. A. W.; Stewart, Daniel B.

Green Egg 25 (97): 8-9. Reprinted in Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, ed. Green Egg Omlette: An Anthology of Art and Articles from the Legendary Pagan Journal. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page, 2009. p. 251-252.

Pearson, Wendy G.

Foundation No. 86: 65-75. Autumn 2002.

Boe, Nicole Lara Lajeunesse

Master's Thesis, University of Bergen, 2018. 109 p.

Jameson, Fredric

New Republic 175(18):34-38. October 30, 1976.

Nuruddin, Yusuf

Socialism and Democracy 20(3): vii-viii. 2006.

Butler, Andrew

in: Littlewood, Derek and Stockwell, Peter, eds. Impossibility Fiction: Alternativity - Extrapolation - Speculation. Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 1996. pp.45-56.

Westfahl, Gary

In: Westfahl, Gary. Science Fiction Literature Through History: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-CLIO, 2021. p. 90-95.

Schwartz, Sheila

in: Schwartz, Sheila. Teaching Adolescent Literature: A Humanistic Approach. Rochelle Park, New Jersey: Hayden Book Company, 1979. pp. 181-198.

Silverberg, Robert

in: Easton, Thomas A. and Dial, Judith K., eds. Visions of Tomorrow: Science Fiction Predictions That Came True. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2010. p. ix-xviii. Also In: Silverberg, Robert. Living in the Future: Robert Silverberg on Science Fiction. Framingham MA: NESFA Press, 2023. p. 155-162.

Le Guin, Ursula K.

New Republic 175(18):33-34. October 30, 1976.

Evans, Christopher; Gooch, Stan

Somerset: Bran's Head, 1981. 15 p.

Hillegas, Mark R.

Satire Newsletter 1(1): 20-23. Fall 1965.

Aldiss, Brian W.

SL: Bran's Head, 1978. 39 p.

Waage, Frederick

in: Mather, Philippe and Rheault, Sylvian, eds. Rediscovering French Science-fiction in Literature, Film and Comics: From Cyrano to Barbarella. Newcastle; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. p. 75-86.

Price, Derek de Solla

New Republic 175(18):40-41. October 30, 1976.

Cusack, Carole M.

Literature and Aesthetics 19(2): 72-91. December 2009.

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