Browse Records by Title

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Szumskyj, Benjamin

New York: Hippocampus, 2006. 233 p.

Finn, Mark

in: Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds. Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle. Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009. p. 114-127.

Shapiro, Marc

Starlog No. 356: 71-73. June 2007.

Pohl, Frederik

New Scientist 138(1874): 48-49. May 22, 1993

Babenhauserheide, Melanie

In: Marcus Hawel, Marcus, ed. Work in Progress. Work on Progress. Doktorand_innen-Jahrbuch 2013 der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Hamburg, VSA-Verlag, 2013. p. 187-199.

Barrett, Mike

New York Review of Science Fiction 26(6): 2-31. February 2014. (No. 306)

Knight, Chris

Cinefantastique 4(4):40-45. Winter 1976.

Scapperotti, Dan

Cinefantastique 17(1):15, 60. January 1987.

Currier, Catherine M.

In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 947-948.

Sorg, Arley

Clarkesworld No. 209: . February 2024.

Kowalczyk, Piotr

In: Kostecka, Weronika and Skowera, Maciej, eds. Harry Potter. Fenomen społeczny - zjawisko literackie - ikona popkultury. Warszawa: SBP, 2014. p. 65-78.

No authors listed.

in: Beacham, Walton et al. Beacham's Popular Fiction 1991 Update. Washington, DC: Beacham, 1991. pp.1203-1206.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 2(2):2. November 1980.

No authors listed.

Locus No. 159:6. May 11, 1974.

Bello, Frank P.

Masters Thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 1979. 142 p. (MAI 18(3): 162. Fall 1980.)

Zgorzelski, Andrzej

Problems of Literary Genres 10(2):120. 1968.

Cioffi, Kathleen

in: Weedman, J. B., ed. Women Worldwalkers. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1985. pp.83-94.

Lakowski, Romuald I.

Mythlore 23(4): 22-37. Fall/Winter 2002. (No. 90)

Keller, David H.

Science Fiction Digest 1(7): 1-2. March 1933.

Addey, Dave

New York: Abrams, 2018. 263 p.

Hoffman, Nina K.

in: Rusch, Kristine K., ed. Science Fiction Writers of America Handbook. Eugene, OR: Writer's Notebook Press, 1990. pp.112-113.

Kittler, Friedrich

in: Vint, Sherryl, ed. Science Fiction and Cultural Theory: a Reader. New York: Routledge, 2015. p. 28-43. (Excerpt from Gramophone, Film, Typewriter, 1999.)

Hu, Jane

Modern Fiction Studies 67(1): 123-148. Spring 2021.

Vanscheidt, Philipp

in: Jachimowicz, Aneta, Kuzborska, Alina, and Steinhoff, Dirk, eds. Imaginationen des Endes. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015. p. 131-152.

Woods, Randy

Master's Thesis, Carleton University, 1993. 167pp. (Master's Abstracts 32(3): 811. June 1994.).

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