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Creagh, Ronald

in: Saccaro Del Buffa, Giuseppa and Lewis, Arthur O., eds. Utopia e Modernita: Teorie e prassi utopiche nell'eta moderna e postmoderna. Rome: Gangemi Editore, 1989. pp.961-970.

Huntington, John

Science-Fiction Studies 9(2): 122-146. July 1982.

Balasopoulos, Antonis

in: Pordzik, Ralph, ed. Futurescapes: Space in Utopian and Science Fiction Discourses. New York: Rodopi, 2009. p. 327-358.

Baggesen, Soren

Science Fiction Studies 14(1): 34. March 1987.

Doyle, Mark

Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020. 190 p.

Hintz, Carrie; Ostry, Elaine

New York: Routledge, 2003. 244 p.

Canary, Robert H.

Science-Fiction Studies 1(4):248-255. Fall 1974.

Milner, Andrew

in: Bould, Mark and Mieville, China, eds. Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2009. p. 213-230.

Newell, Catherine L.

In: Mazur, Eric M. and Taylor, Sarah M., eds. Religion and Outer Space. New York: Routledge, 2023. p. 145-158.

Wilson, Edmund

in: Saccaro Del Buffa, Giuseppa and Lewis, Arthur O., eds. Utopie per gli Anni Ottana. Rome: Gangemi Editore, 1986. pp.727-734.

Poldervaart, Saskia

Utopian Studies 12(2): 143-163. 2001.

Shor, Francis

Utopian Studies 15(2): 173-189. 2004.

Roemer, Kenneth M.

Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2003. 295 p.

Murphy, Nathaniel

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Irvine, 2019. 294 p. (DAI-A 81(10)(E).)

Zanetta, Julien

in: Mussgnug, Florian and Reza, Matthew, eds. The Good Place: Comparative Perspectives on Utopia. New York: Peter Lang, 2014. p. 171-188.

Boos, Florence S.; Boos, William

History of Political Thought 7:489-510. Winter 1986.

O'Hara, Michael Alan

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, San Diego, 1980. 192 p. (DAI-A 41(8): 3584. February 1981.)

McCord, Sue Gordon

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of South Florida, 1979. 242 p. (DAI-A 40(11).)

Simmons, James R.

Extrapolation 39(3): 199-218. Fall 1998.

Farrell, John A.

New York. Routledge, 2023. 236 p.

Jergenson, Casey A.

Ph. D. Dissertation, Loyola University Chicago, 2020. 177 p. (DAI-A 82(3).)

Tedder, Charles

Ph. D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2010. 278 p. (DAI-A 71(6), December 2010)

Knight, I. F.

Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Vol. 6, 1977. pp. 427-438.

Stableford, Brian M.

Foundation 16:31-54. May 1979. Afterword by Reynolds: 16:54-55. May 1979.

Farnell, Ian

Foundation 46(3): 38-47. 2017.

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