O'Neill, P. I.
Aurealis No. 31: 125-130. 2003.
Harris, Judith P.
Cinefantastique 23(1): 61. August 1992.
No authors listed.
Variety p. 7. December 7, 1983.
Van Hise, James
Cinefantastique 27(2): 46-51, 61. November 1995.
Cinefantastique 27(2): 48-49. November 1995.
Cinefantastique 27(2): 50. November 1995.
Savin, Daniel
In: Gill, Jon I., ed. Toward Afrodiasporic and Afrofuturist Philosophies 
of Religion. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2022. p 109-113.
Garsault, Alain
Positif 225:57-58. December 1979.
Carvajal, Christian
Cinefex No. 92: 45-65. January 2003.
Found 234 items on 10 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.