Browse Records by Title

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Malinowska, Magdalena

Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies 79(2): 202-210. April 2024.

Rudiger, Angelika

Ph. D. Dissertation, Bangor University (Wales), 2022. 365 p. (DAI-C 83(11)(E).) URL:

Haspel, Paul

Teaching English in the Two Year College 29(3): 250-258. March 2002.

Marr, Melissa

Locus 69(1); 36. July 2012.

November, Sharyn

Locus 56(5): 40. May 2006.

Gaiman, Neil

Locus 61(1): 37. July 2008.

Larbalestier, Justine

Locus 61(1): 44-45. July 2008.

Westerfeld, Scott

Locus 61(1): 45. July 2008.

No authors listed.

Locus 69(1); 33-37. July 2012.

No authors listed.

Science Fiction Chronicle 7(9):4. June 1986.

Czerneda, Julie E.

Locus 56(5): 42. May 2006.

Wiater, Stanley

in: Wiater, Stanley. Dark Visions: Conversations with the Masters of the Horror Film. New York: Avon, 1992. pp.199-208.

Sanders, William

Science Fiction Chronicle 22(5): 28-30, 39. May 2001. (No. 212)

Flanagan, Alice

Vector No. 295: 8-11. Spring 2022.

Ashley, Mike

in: Tymn, M. B. and Ashley, Mike. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985. pp. 780-781.

No authors listed.

Variety p. 22. June 28, 1972.

Darı, Abdulhakim Bahadir; Isik, Metin

Turkish Studies: International Academic Journal 18(1): 63-82. March 2023.

Benefiel, Candace R.

in: Reid, Robin A., ed. Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. Volume 2, p. 333.

No authors listed.

in: Beacham, Walton et al. Beacham's Popular Fiction 1991 Update. Washington, DC: Beacham, 1991. pp.1297-1303.

Altner, Patricia

in: Vinson, James, ed. Twentieth Century Romance and Gothic Writers. Detroit: Gale, 1982. pp. 726-728.

Kratz, Dennis M.

In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 1041-1042.

Patten, Fred

Cupertino, CA: Yarf, 1996. 58pp.

Fletcher, Melanie

in: Elrod, P. N., and Conrad, Roxanne L., eds. Stepping Through the Stargate : Science, Archaeology and the Military in Stargate SG-1. Dallas, TX: Benbella Books, 2004. p. 31-36.

No authors listed.

Locus 18(7): 52. July 1985.

Casta, Isabelle

in: Mustiere, Philippe and Fabre, Michel, eds. Jules Verne: Les Machines et la Science; Actes du Colloque international 12 October 2005. Nantes: Coiffard, 2005. p. 309-316

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