Strick, Philip
Sight and Sound 6(4): 56-57. April 1996.
Sight and Sound 11(10): 38.39. October 2001.
Sight & Sound 51(3): 168-72. 1982.
Sight and Sound 48(1):26-27. Winter 1978/1979.
Sight and Sound 7(10): 44-46. October 1997.
Sight and Sound 8(7): 39-40. July 1998.
Sight and Sound 37(4):183-184. Autumn 1968.
in: Cotton, Helene Regards sur Philip K. Dick: le Kaledickoscope. Anthologie de temoignages et de textes critiques, entretien avec Philip K. Dick et bibliographie. Amiens, France: Encrage, 1992. p. 112-120.
Sight and Sound 13(7): 50, 52-53. July 2003.
in: Peary, Danny, ed. Omni's Screen Flights/Screen Fantasies: The Future According to Science Fiction Cinema. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1984. p. 43-49.
Artforum 21(9): 61-66. May 1983.
Speculation 30:5-12. June 1972.
Foundation 26: 15-21. October 1982.
Speculation 29:13-18. October 1971.
Sight and Sound 8(4): 49-50. April 1998.
Sight and Sound 11(2): 46-48. February 2001.
Sight and Sound 11(2): 46, 48. February 2001.
Vector 63: 32-34. January/February
Sight and Sound 11(9): 20-22. September 2001.
Foundation 2:58-59. June 1972.
London: Octopus Books, 1976. 160 p.
Sight and Sound 34(4):174-175. Autumn 1965.
Futures 11(4):342-343. August 1979.
Sight and Sound 9(11): 54-55. November 1999.
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