Gomel, Elana
In: Becker, Sandra, de Bruin-Mole, Megan, and Polak, Sara, eds. Embodying Contagion: The Viropolitics of Horror and Desire in Contemporary Discourse. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2021. p. 219-234.
Journal of Posthumanism 4(1): 219-232. 2024.
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 170-189.
Twentieth Century Literature 46(4): 403-433. Winter 2000.
In: Pick, Anat and Narraway, Guinevere, eds. Screening Nature: Cinema Beyond the Human. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013. p. 162-176.
In: Narraway, Guinevere and Pick, Anat, eds. Screening Nature: Cinema Beyond the Human, ed. by Anat Pick and Guinevere Narraway. New York: Bergham Books, 2023. p. 162-176.
in: Banerjee, Anindita, ed. Russian Science Fiction Literature and Cinema: A Critical Reader. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 3028. p. 290-305.
Gomel, Elana; Gurevitch, Danielle
In: Gomel, Elana and Gurevitch, Danielle, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. p. 3-13.
in: Gurevitch, Danielle, Gomel, Elana, and Graff, Rani, eds. With Both Feet on the Clouds: Fantasy in Israeli Literature. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. p. 26-38.
Gomel, Elana; Graff, Rani; Gurevitch, Danielle
Brighton MA: Academic Studies Press, 2013. 309 p.
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