Morgan, Cheryl
Internet Review of Science Fiction 2(1): [6 p.] February 2005. (
in: Barbini, Francesca T., ed. Gender, Identity and Sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Luna Press, 2017. p. 83-104.
In: McBride, Margaret, ed. The WisCon Chronicles, Volume 10: Social Justice Redux. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2016. p. 58-62.
Phantastes: The Online Journal of Fantasy Criticism. 2(2): [4pp] . Spring 2000. (
Vector No. 269: 4-6. Spring 2012.
in: Barbini, Francesca T., ed, Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction. s.l.: Academia Lunare (Lunar Press), 2021, p. 74-88.
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