Nate, Richard
in: Ramiro Aviles, Miguel A. and Davis, J. C., eds. Utopian Moments: Reading Utopian Texts. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2012. p. 127-132.
In: Dziudzia, Corinna, Stauffer, Isabelle, and Tatzel, Sebastian, eds. Utopien & Dystopien: historische Wurzeln und Gegenwart von Paradies und Katastrophe. Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag, 2021. p. 131-144.
In: Petzold, Dieter and Seibel, Klaudia, eds. Inklings Jahrbuch fur Literatur und Asthetik: Frankenstein 1818 · 2018 Parabel der Moderne / Parable of the Modern Age. Symposium 2018 in Ingolstadt. Inklings Jahrbuch No. 36. New York: Peter Lang, 2018. p. 29-46.
in: Pordzik, Ralph, ed. Futurescapes: Space in Utopian and Science Fiction Discourses. New York: Rodopi, 2009. p. 79-110.
In: Boller, Alessandra and Voigts, Eckart, eds. Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalypse: Classics - New Tendencies - Model Interpretations. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015. p. 13-28.
in: Parrinder, Patrick/Partington, John S., eds. The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe. New York: Continuum, 2005. p. 105-125.
in: Schenkel, Elmar and Welz, Stefan, eds. Lost Worlds & Mad Elephants Literature, Science and Technology 1700-1990. Berlin: Galda + Wilch Verlag, 1999. pp. 29-50.
in: Goodwin, Barbara, ed. The Philosophy of Utopia. Portland, OR: F. Cass, 2001. p. 172-188. Also in: CRISPP: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 3(2/3): 172-188. Summer/Autumn 2000.
in: Verheul, Jaap, ed. Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse : Utopia and Dystopia in American Culture. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2004. p. 137-148.
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