Pournelle, Jerry
SFWA Bulletin 12(3): 14-15. Summer 1977. (No. 63)
Pournelle, Jerry; Webster, Bud
SFWA Bulletin 48(2): 12-21. Summer 2014. (No. 205)
in: Bear, Greg and Dozois, Gardner, eds. Mutiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson's Worlds. Burton, MI: Subterranean Press, 2014. p. 277-283.
in: De Camp, L. S., ed. Blade of Conan. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 249-259.
in: Grant, C. L., ed. Writing and Selling Science Fiction. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writers Digest, 1976. pp. 91-110.
in: Budrys, Algis, ed. Writers of the Future. Vol. III. Los Angeles: Bridge, 1987. pp.354-363.
Niven, Larry; Pournelle, Jerry
Galaxy. 37(1):92-113. January 1976. also in: Pournelle, Jerry. A Step Further Out. New York: Ace, 1980. pp. 113-141.
Mythologies 11:11-15. February 1977.
Notes From the Chemistry Department 10:4-8. March 1975.
in: Bretnor, Reginald, ed. The Craft of Science Fiction. New York: Harper, 1976. pp. 104-120.
Anderson, W. French; Pournelle, Jerry
San Francisco, CA. s.l.: Audio Visual Education Network, [2001]. 2 sound cassettes.
SFWA Bulletin 41(2): 12-16. Fall 2007. (No. 175)
in: Myers, John Myers. Silverlock. Framingham, MA: NESFA Press, 2004. p. 19-20.
in: Baen, Jim, ed. New Destinies. Vol. VI. New York: Baen, 1988. pp.7-11.
SFWA Bulletin 41(3): 7-11. Winter 2008. (No. 176)
Chalker, Jack L.; Pournelle, Jerry; Williamson, Jack
Science Fiction Review 9(4): 18-23. November 1980.
in: Bretnor, Reginald, ed. The Future at War: Vol. 1: Thor's Hammer. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 83-101.
OnComputing 2(1): 33-36. Summer 1980.
SFWA Bulletin 14(3):52-54. Fall 1979.
in: De Camp, L. S., ed. Blade of Conan. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 215-218.
SFWA Bulletin 16(2): 36-40. Spring 1981.
in: De Camp, L. S., ed. Blade of Conan. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 263-274.
SFWA Bulletin 12(4):3-6. Fall 1977.
Locus 21(7):1, 38. July 1988.
SFWA Bulletion 41(4): 12-17. Spring 1008. (No. 177)
in: Jeschke, Wolfgang, ed. Das Science Fiction Jahr, No. 10. München: Heyne, 1995. p. 244-277.
In: De Camp, L. Sprague and Scithers, George, eds. The Conan Swordbook. Baltimore: Mirage Press, 1969. p. 175-184. 
Also in: De Camp, L. S., ed. Blade of Conan. New York: Ace, 1979. pp. 219-226.
in: Kondo, Yoji, ed. Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master. New York: Tor, 1992. pp.227-228.
SFFWA Bulletin 31(4): 25, 32. Spring 1998. (No. 137)
Science Fiction Age 1(1): 22, 70. November 1992.
In: De Camp, L. Sprague and Scithers, George, eds. The Conan Swordbook. Baltimore: Mirage Press, 1969. p. 169-174.
OnComputing 2(1): 83-87. Summer 1980.
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