Ronnov-Jessen, Peter
in: Sellars, Simon and O'Hara, Dan, eds. Extreme Metaphors: Interviews with J. G. Ballard, 1967-2008. London: Fourth Estate, 2012. p. 199-210. (Reprinted from The Literary Review, 1984.)
Johansen, Ib; Ronnov-Jessen, Peter
Aarhus, Denmark: SEKLOS, Department of English, 1985. 101 p. (The Dolphin, No.11, August 1985.)
in: Johansen, Ib and Ronnov-Jessen, Peter, eds. Inventing the Future: Science Fiction in the Context of Cultural History and Literary Theory. Aarhus, Denmark: SEKLOS, Department of English, 1985. (The Dolphin, No.11, August 1985.) p. 73-92.
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