Gillings, Walter H.
Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review 1(1): 6-7, 10. January 1937.
Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review 1(2): 6-7, 12. April 1937.
Fantasy Review 3(13): 16-19. February/March 1949.
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 652-653.
Science Fiction Monthly 1(7): 8-9. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(4): 16-17. 1975.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(5): 16-17. 1975.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(6): 12. 1975.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(7): 16-17. 1975.
Science Fiction Monthly 1(8): 8-9. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 1(9): 8-9. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 1(10): 8-9. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 1(11): 8-9. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 1(12): 8-9. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(1): 8-11. 1974.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(2): 16-17. 1975.
Science Fiction Monthly 2(3): 17. 1975.
Fantasy Times No. 9:5-6. May 1944.
Fantasy Review 1(5): 1-2. October/November 1947.
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 794-795.
Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review 1(6): 8-9, 11. January 1938.
Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review 1(4): 6-7, 10. August 1937.
Algol 12(1):12-14. November 1974.
Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review 1(5): 8-10. October 1937.
Scientifiction: The British Fantasy Review 1(3): 3-4. June 1937. 
Reprinted in: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 3, p. 9-12.
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