Heck, Joel D.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 47(4): 1-14. July/August 2016. (No. 474)
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 41(2): 1-9. March/April 2010.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 41(3): 8-10, 12-16. May/June 2010.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 48(6): 1-8. November/December 2017. (No. 482)
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 51(2): 1-14. March/April 2020.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 38(6): 12-16. November/December 2007.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 49(4; [#486]): 1-10. July/August 2018. (No. 486)
in: Edwards, Bruce L., ed. C. S. Lewis: Life, Works, and Legacy. Volume 3, Apologist, Philosopher, and Theologian. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007. p. 51-74.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 55(4): 1-12. July/August 2024. (No. 522)
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 50(2): 1-5. March/April 2019. (No. 490)
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 53(2): 1-7. March/April 2022.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 45(5): 1-5. September/October 2014.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 43(2): 1-10, 13. March/April 2012.
CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society 39(6): 1-7. November/December 2008.
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