Neubauer, Lukasz
in: Kowalik, Barbara, ed. O What a Tangled Web: Tolkien and Medieval Literature: A View from Poland. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2013. p. 163-178.
In: Fimi, Dimitra and Honegger, Thomas, eds. Sub-creating Arda: World-building in J.R.R. Tolkien's Works, its Precursors, and Legacies. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2019. p. 431-464.
In: Blaszkiewicz, Bartlomiej, ed. George R. R. Martin's ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and the Medieval Literary Tradition. Warszawa: Wydawn. Uniw. Warszawskiego, 2014. p. 181-210.
In: Croft, Janet B. and Rottinger, Annika, eds. "Something Has Gone Crack": New Perspectives on J.R.R. Tolkien and the Great War (2019), Zurich: Walking Tree Publishers, 2019. p. 203-222.
In: Neubauer, Lukasz, ed. Middle-earth or There and Back Again. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2020. p. 25-38.
In: Fornet-Ponse, Honegger, Thomas, and Eilmann, Julian T.M., eds. Tolkien's Philosophy of Language. Interdisziplinares Seminar der DTG 6. bis 8. Mai 2016, Jena. Dusseldorf: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2016. p. (Hither Shore, Band 13)
In: Eilmann, Julian T. M., Fornet-Ponse, Thomas, 
and Honegger, Thomas, eds. Literary Worldbuilding: 
interdisziplinäres Seminar der DTG, 27. bis 29. Oktober 2017, 
Augsburg. Bonn: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2017. p. 171-180. (Hither 
Shore Band 14)
In: Fornet-Ponse, Thomas and Eilmann, Julian, eds. Tolkien's on Fairy-stories: interdisziplinäres Seminar der DTG, 1. bis 3. Mai 2015. Dusseldorf: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2015. p. 236-247. (Hither shore, Band 12)
Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient to Modern 8(1/2): 27-50. 2019.
In: Williams, Hamish, ed. Tolkien and the Classical World. Zillikoffen: Walking Tree, 2021. p. 217-246.
Zurich: Walking Tree, 2020. 135 p.
Walking Tree, 2024.
In: Honegger, Thomas and Mann, Maureen F., eds. Laughter in Middle-earth: Humour in and around the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2016. p. 89-106.
Mythlore 39(1 [137]): 149-176. Fall 2020. Available at: Comment: Mythlore 39(2 [138]): 156. [Article 22] Spring/Summer 2021.
Fastitocalon: Studies in Fantasticism Ancient and Modern 6(1/2): 99-108. 2016.
In: Vink, Renee, ed. The World Tolkien Built. Leiden, Netherlands: Unquendor, 2019. (Lembas Extra 2019) p. 129–146.
In: Eilmann, Julian and Schneidewind, Friedhelm, eds. Music in Tolkien’s Work and Beyond. Zurich: Walking Tree, 2019. p. 77-110.
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