Pugh, Catherine
in: Erwin, Elizabeth and Keetley, Dawn, eds. The Politics of Race, Gender and Sexuality in The Walking Dead: Essays on the Television Series and Comics. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 93-106.
In: Bacon, Simon, ed. Undead in the 21st Century, The. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022. p. 235-258.
In: Miller, Cynthia J., ed. . Journeys into Terror: Essays from the Cinematic Intersection of Travel and Horror. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 175-188.
In: Kitchens, Juliette C., ed. At Home in the Whedonverse: Essays on Domestic Place, Space and Life. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017. p. 48-67.
In: Melia, Matthew, ed. Jurassic Park Book, The: New Perspectives on the Classic 1990s Blockbuster. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. p. 311-325.
in: Mantoan, Lindsey and Brady, Sara, eds. Vying for the Iron Throne: Essays on Power, Gender, Death and Performance in HBO's Game of Thrones. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 79-89.
In: Hand, Richard J. and O’Thomas, Mark, eds. American Horror Story and Cult Television: Narratives, Histories and Discourses. New York: Anthem Press, 2024. p. 61-78.
In: Porter, Heather M. and Starr, Michael, eds. Re-Entering the Dollhouse: Essays on the Joss Whedon Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 240-255.
Slayage 17(2; [#50]): 125-154. Summer/Fall 2019.
In: Buckman, Alyson R., ed. Slaying Is Hell: Essays on Trauma and Memory in the Whedonverse. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022 p. 131-156.
Foster-Kruczek, Nikki; Pugh, Catherine
In: Bacon, Simon, ed. Faith and the Zombie: Critical Essays on the End of the World and Beyond. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 2023. p. 254-272.
In: Bacon, Simon, ed. Female Identity in Contemporary 
Fictional Purgatorial Worlds. New York: Bloomsbury 
Publishing, 2023. p. 85-100.
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