Schlobin, Roger C.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 11(2): 154-163. 2000. (Reprinted in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013.)
Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1982. 288 p.
in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013. p. 227-274.
in: Bruccoli, Matthew J., ed. Facts on File Bibliography of American Fiction 1919-1988. New York: Facts on File, 1991. pp.382-384.
Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. 68 p.
Harrison, Irene R.; Schlobin, Roger C.
Framingham, MA: NESFA Press, 1994. 92pp.
in: Staicar, Tom, ed. The Feminine Eye. New York: Ungar, 1982. pp. 25-31.
in: Collins, Robert A. and Latham, Robert, eds. Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual 1991. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. pp.172-177.
Lan's Lantern 16:12-16. March 1985.
CEA Critic 40(2):37-42. January 1978.
Ashley, Mike; Barron, Neil; Schlobin, Roger C.
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, Vol 5. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, Inc., 1983. pp. 2532-2538.
in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013. p. 71-84.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 13(3): 258-270. 2003. (No. 51)
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 1(1):25-50. 1988. (Reprinted in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013.)
in: Harriman, Lucas H., ed. Lilith in a New Light: Essays on the George MacDonald Fantasy Novel. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. p. 83-84.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 8(1): 34-41. 1997. (No. 29) (Reprinted in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013.)
in: Bartter, Martha, ed. The Utopian Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Twentieth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004. p. 11-16. (Reprinted in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013.)
in: Tymn, Marshall B., ed. The Science Fiction Reference Book. Mercer Island, WA.: Starmont House, 1981. pp. 496-511.
Fantasy Newsletter 5(1): 22-23, 26. January 1982.
In: Pederson, Jay P., ed. St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James, 1996. p. 280-282.
in: Inge, M. Thomas, ed. Handbook of American Popular Culture. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988. pp.139-155.
in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013. p. 7-22. ("Introduction," reprinted from The Literature of Fantasy: A Camprehensive, Annotated Bibliography of Modern Fantasy Fiction. New York: Garland, 1979).
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature, Vol 5. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, Inc., 1983. pp. 2259-2266. (Reprinted in: Schlobin, Roger C. Phantasmagoria: Collected Essays on the Nature of Fantasy and Horror Literature. s.l.: Roger C. Schlobin, 2013.)
Extrapolation 23(1): 91-107. Spring 1982.
Fantasy Newsletter 4(12): 6-9, 29. December 1981.
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