Franklin, H. Bruce
SFRA Newsletter No. 189: 24-27. July/August 1991.
in: Anisfield, Nancy, ed. The Nightmare Considered: Critical Essays on Nuclear War Literature. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press, 1991. pp.5-14.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.240-241.
Science-Fiction Studies 9(1): 38-50. March 1982. Also in: Slusser, George E., ed. Coordinates. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. pp. 107-123.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.362-364.
Science-Fiction Studies 1(2):90-92. Fall 1973.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.307-308.
Science-Fiction Studies 10(1): 70-80. March 1983. Also in: Slusser, George, ed. Shadows of the Magic Lamp. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1985. pp. 73-85.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.87-95.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.255-260.
in: Davies, Philip J., ed. Science Fiction, Social Conflict, and War. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. pp.151-168.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 45(9): 18–24. September 1989.
Stanford Today Series 1, No. 17: 28-30. Summer 1966. also in: The Futurist 4(1): 26-28. February 1970.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.277-284.
in: Clareson, Thomas D., ed. SF: The Other Side of Realism. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1971. pp. 192-203.
Georgia Review 48(1): 47-66. Spring 1994.
American Film 8(5): 47-49, 75-76. March 1983.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. 402pp.
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. 395pp.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.134-139.
in: Seed, David, ed. Future Wars: the Anticipations and the Fears. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2012. p. 32-49.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.204-219.
Elkins, Charles; Franklin, H. Bruce
In: Bleiler, Richard, ed. Science Fiction Writers. Second Edition. New York: Scribner’s, 1999. p. 849-862.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.370-375.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.7-22.
in: Brode, Douglas and Brode, Shea T., eds. Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek: The Original Cast Adventures. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015. p. 13-24.
SFRA Newsletter 115: p. f-r. October 1983.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. 232 p.
Extrapolation 6(2):23-31. May 1965.
in: Knight, Damon, ed. Turning Points: Essays in the Art of Science Fiction. New York: Harper, 1977. pp. 96-99.
Science Fiction Studies 21(1): 24-34. March 1994. Also Film & History 24(1/2): 36-46. February/May 1994. Also Locus 33(4): 43-45. October 1994.
Science Fiction Studies 13(2):117-128. July 1986.
in: Morse, Donald E., ed. The Celebration of the Fantastic. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992. pp.23-38.
in: Westfahl, Gary and Slusser, George, eds. No Cure for the Future: Disease and Medicine in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002, p. 9-22. Reprinted in: Benford, Gregory et al, eds. Bridges to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Outstanding Essays from the J. Lloyd Eaton Conferences. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
Z Magazine 2(2): 97-103. February 1989. (Excerpt from War Stars: The Super Weapon and the American Imagination, Oxford University Press)
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.223-225.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.360-361.
in: Irons, Glenwood, ed. Gender, Language and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992. pp.208-230.
Cooke, Brett, Slusser, George E., and Marti-Olivella, Jaume, eds. The Fantastic Other: An Interface of Perspectives. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998. pp. 165-186.
Science Fiction Studies 17(3): 341-359. November 1990.
in: Reagin, Nancy, ed. Star Trek and History. Somerset, NJ: Wiley, 2013. p. 87-108.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 8(13): 26-39. mid-December 1984.
in: Kuhn, Annette, ed. Alien Zone. London: Verso, 1990. pp.19-31.
Fictions: Studi sulla narrativita 3: 13-20. 2004.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 256pp.
Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2008. 320 p.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.249-250.
in: Clareson, T. D., ed. Voices for the Future: Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers, Vol. 2. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green Univ. Popular Press, 1979. pp. 82-105.
in: Gunn, James E., Marleen S. Barr and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Reading Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. p. 15-22.
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.312-316.
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