Majsova, Natalija
In: Brasiskis, Lukas; Shpolberg, Masha, eds. Cinema and the Environment in Eastern Europe: From Communism to Capitalism. New York, NY: Berghahn Books; 2023. p. 64-86.
Gontscharow, Wladislaw; Majsova, Natalija
Quarber Merkur No. 102: 25-34. 2005.
In: Geppert, Alexander C.T., Brandau, Daniel, and Siebeneichner, Tilmann, eds. Militarizing Outer Space: Astroculture, Dystopia and the Cold War, 2021. p. 119-146.
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. 219 p.
in: Shpolberg, Masha and Brasiskis, Lukas, eds. Cinema and the environment in Eastern Europe. New York: Oxford, 2024. p. 64-83.
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