Christopher, Joe R.
in: Inklings Forever, Volume IX: A Collection of Essays Presented at the 9th Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends. Upland, IN: Taylor University, 2014. 10 p.
Niekas No. 45: 133-117. July 1998.
Mythlore 24(2): 18-23. Summer/Fall 2004. (No. 92)
Quondam et Futurus 3(3): 66-76. Fall 1993.
Mythlore 29 (3/4): 173-178. Spring/Summer 2011. (No. 113/114)
Mythlore 34(1): 142-152. Fall/Winter 2015. (No. 127)
Lamp Post 19(3): 16-18. Fall 1995.
Christopher, Joe R.; Hammond, Wayne G.
Mythlore 17(4): 55-61. Summer 1991. (No. 66)
Mythlore 18(1) [67]: 53-55. Autumn 1991.
Mythlore 18(2): 28-33, 39-40. Spring 1992. (No. 68)
Mythlore 18(3): 49-53. Summer 1992. (No. 69)
Mythlore 18(4): 49-52. Autumn 1992. (No. 70)
Mythlore 19(1): 56-64. Winter 1993. (No. 71)
Mythlore 19(2): 61-65. Spring 1993. (No. 72)
Mythlore 19(3): 59-65. Summer 1993. (No. 73)
Mythlore 19(4): 60-65. Autumn 1993. (No. 74)
Mythlore 20(1): 59-62. Winter 1994. (Whole No. 75)
Mythlore 20(2): 32-34. Spring 1994. (Whole No. 76)
Mythlore 20(4): 61-65. Winter 1995. (Whole No. 78)
Mythlore 21(1): 61-65. Summer 1995. (No. 79)
Mythlore 21(4): 61-63. Winter 1997. (No. 82)
Mythlore 22(2): 56-58. Summer 1998. (No. 84)
Mythlore 22(1; [83]): 54-57. Autumn 1997.
Mythlore 35(1): 85-94. Winter 2016.
In: Schakel, Peter J., ed. Longing for a Form: Essays on the Fiction of C. S. Lewis. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1977. p. 193-212.
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