Waugh, Robert H.
In: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft Annual, No. 2. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2008. p. 149-164.
Lovecraft Studies No. 32: 2-8. Spring 1995.
New York: Hippocampus Press, 2011. 384 p.
Lovecraft Annual No. 5: 218-239. 2011.
Studies in the Fantastic No. 1: 18-30. Summer 2008.
Lovecraft Studies No. 25: 2-10. Fall 1991.
Lovecraft Studies No. 31: 2-10. Fall 1994. (Also in: Connors, Scott, ed. A Century Less a Dream: Selected Criticism on H. P. Lovecraft. Holicong, PA: Wildside, 2002. p. 112-123.)
Extrapolation 26(2): 143-151. Summer 1985.
Studies in Modern Horror No. 3: 7-17. 2004.
Lovecraft Studies No. 44: 81-106. 2004.
Studies in Weird Fiction No. 8:1-11. Fall 1990.
Extrapolation 31(1):36-53. Spring 1990.
in: Schultz, David E. and Joshi, S. T., eds. An Epicure in the Terrible. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1991. pp.220-243.
in: Simmons, David, ed. New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 91-104.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2013. 197 p.
Lovecraft Studies No. 35: 24-28. Fall 1996.
Lovecraft Studies No. 36: 26-39. Spring 1997.
In: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft Annual, No. 1. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2007. p. 9-26.
in: Joshi, S. T., ed. The H. P. Lovecraft Centennial Conference Proceedings. West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon, 1991. pp.34-35.
In: Joshi, S. T., ed. Lovecraft Annual, No. 7. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2013. p. 60-74.
New York: Hippocampus Press, 2022. 236 p.
Studies in Weird Fiction No. 15: 20-27. Summer 1994.
Extrapolation 38(3): 207-221. Fall 1997.
Lovecraft Studies No. 45: 10-21. Spring 2005.
Lovecraft Annual No. 4: 130-155. 2010.
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