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in: Kuchler, Ulrike, Maehl, Silja, and Stout, Graeme A., eds. Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. p. 31-56.
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in: Battaglia, Debbora, Ed. E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces. Durham, N.C.; Duke University Press, 2005. p. 94-129.
Totoni, Oltjona
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Meyers, Walter E.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1980. 257 p.
Scheper, George L.
in: Huttar, Charles A. and Schakel, Peter J. eds. The Rhetoric of Vision: Essays on Charles Williams. Lewisburg; Bucknell University Press, 1996. p. 132-161.
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in: Smith, Nicholas D., ed. Philosophers Look at Science Fiction. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1982. pp. 67-74.
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in: Beregond, Anders S., ed. Arda Philology 1: Proceedings of the First International Conference on J. R. R. Tolkien's Invented Languages. Anwerp: Arda Society, 2007. p. 42-65.
Falc, Emilie
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Kirchner, Jesse S.
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Schneidewind, Friedhelm
In: Fornet-Ponse, Honegger, Thomas, and Eilmann, Julian T.M., eds. Tolkien's Philosophy of Language. Interdisziplinares Seminar der DTG 6. bis 8. Mai 2016, Jena. Dusseldorf: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2016. p. 1256135. (Hither Shore, Band 13)
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in: Noone, Kristin and Leverette, Emily L., eds. Terry Pratchett’s Ethical Worlds: Essays on Identity and Narrative in Discworld and Beyond. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 61-76.
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in: Roughley, Alan R., ed. Anthony Burgess and Modernity. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2008. p. 242-251.
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In: Virdis, Daniela F., Zurru, Elisabetta, and Lahey, Ernestine, eds. Language in Place: Stylistic Perspectives on Landscape, Place and Environment. Benjamins, 2021. p. 106-123.
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Anwerp: Arda Society, 2009. 141 p.
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in: Kuchler, Ulrike, Maehl, Silja, and Stout, Graeme A., eds. Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. p. 57-72.
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Cinefantastique 33(4): 57. August 2001.
Badger, William
New York Review of Science Fiction 22(12): 18-19. August 2010. (No. 264)
Rohr, W. Gunther
in: Rogotzki, Nina, ed. Faszinierend! Star Trek und die Wissenschaften. Kiel: Ludwig, 2003. Band 2, p. 64-84.
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Finch, Sheila
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Found 474 items on 19 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.