Harris, David
in: Weisman, Kevin, ed. Alias Assumed: Sex, Lies, and SD-6. Dallas, Tex. : BenBella Books, 2005. p. 43-61.
Brake, Mark
New York: Skyhorse, 2022. 197 p.
Baxter, Stephen
London: Orion, 2012. 288 p.
Yu, Ka Chun
In: Piturro, Vincent, ed. The Science of Sci-Fi Cinema: Essays on the Art and Principles of Ten Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. p. 16-22.
New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2021. 264 p.
Grazier, Kevin R.
Dallas TX: Benbella Book/Smart Pop, 2008. 232 p.
Hay, George
Foundation 3:35-43. March 1973.
Brake, Mark; Chase, Jon
New York: Skyhorse/Racehorse, 2017. 202 p.
Thorne, Kip
New York: Norton, 2014. 324 p.
DeSalle, Rob; Lindley, David
New York: Basic Books, 1997. 194pp.
New York: Skyhorse, 2021. 250 p.
Lehoucq, Roland; Mangin, Loic; Steyer, Jean-Sebastien
New York: Pegasus, 2021. 432 p.
Schmidt, Stanley
Analog 135(12): 38-44. December 2015.
Piturro, Vincent
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2021. 202 p.
Gunn, James E.
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2000. 232pp.
Skyhorse, 2018. 232 p.
Campbell, John W., Jr.
Atlantic 181(5): 97-98. May 1948.
Kurtis, Bill
Chicago, IL: Public Media Video, 1995. 1 videocassette, 60 minutes.
New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2022. 196 p.
Phillips, Ashley
ABCNews.com [2 p.] May 25, 2007. (Online resource: http://abcnews.go.com/)
Cavelos, Jeanne
New York: Berkley Boulevard, 1998. 288pp.
Leiber, Leslie
New York Herald Tribune. This Week Magazine Sec. 8, pp.8-9. April 27, 1947.
Gerbner, George
Issues in Science and Technology, 3(3), 109–115. Spring 1987. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43309074
Sudbury, Tony
Vector 69: 22-25. Summer 1975.
Sudbery, Tony
Vector 69:22-25, 48. Summer 1975.
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