Crim, Brian E.
Film & History 39(2): 17-25. Fall 2009.
Crim, Robert E.
Shapiro, Marc; Spelling, Ian
Starlog 246: 30-33. January 1998.
Smiley, Robin H.
Firsts: The Book Collector’s Magazine 16(9): 58-59. November 2006.
Sammon, Paul M.
Cinefex No. 73: 66-91. December 1997.
King, Jamie
Futures 30(10): 1017-1026. December 1998.
French, Lawrence
Cinefantastique 30(2): 46-47. June 1998.
Warren, Bill
Starlog 245: 40-45. December 1997. (Reprinted In: Barton-Fumo, Margaret, ed. Paul Verhoeven Interviews. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2016. p. 120-125.
Chrissinger, Craig W.; Shapiro, Marc
Starlog 241: 46-49. August 1997.
Shapiro, Marc
Starlog 242: 52-55. September 1997.
Kaveney, Roz
London: Tauris, 2005. 208 p.
Hunter, I. Q.
in: Bignell, Jonathan, ed. Writing and Cinema. New York: Longman, 1999. p. 179-192.
Telotte, J. P.
Literature/Film Quarterly 29(3): 196-202. 2001.
Andre, Daniele
Cycnos 22(1): 105-114. October 2005. (La science-fiction dans l'histoire, l'histoire dans la science-fiction) URL :
Petit, Maryse
In: Berthelot, Francis and Clermont, Philippe, eds. Colloque de Cerisy 2006: Science-fiction et imagınaires Contemporans. Paris: Bragelonne, 2007. p. 339-352.
Bailey, Terry
Journal of Screenwriting 10(1) 29-39. 2019.
No authors listed.
Heinlein Journal No. 7: 4-11. July 2000.
Robley, Les P.
American Cinematographer 78(11): 56-60. November 1997.
Mallin, Eric S.
in: Grady, Hugh, ed. Shakespeare and Modernity. New York: Routledge, 2000. pp. 142-167.
Marinone, Isabelle
Cinémaction No. 113: 217-225. October 2004.
Shaw, Debra B.
Bad Subjects No. 63: 25-28. April 2003.
Ziegenhagen, David
Berlin: Avinus 2014. 139 p.
Elhefnawy, Nader
Internet Review of Science Fiction 5(10): [3 p.] December 2008. (
Whitehall, Geoffrey Alexander Wallace
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2004. 267 p. (DAI-A 65(10): 3981. April 2005.)
Blevins, Brenta
Strange Horizons [5 p.] April 23, 2007. (
Strzelczyk, Florentine
Modernism/Modernity 15(1): 87-99. January 2008.
Magid, Ron
American Cinematographer 78(11): 73-76. November 1997.
Perez, Dan
Science Fiction Age 6(1): 24-29. November 1997.
Persons, Dan
Cinefantastique 29(6/7): 8-9. November 1997.
Ulstein, Stefan
Christianity Today [4 p.] May/June 1998. (Cited from
Brown, Ted H.; Maloyed, Christie L.
in: Allen, Michael A. and Vaughn, Justin S., eds. Poli Sci Fi: an Introduction to Political Science Through Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2016. p. 37-49.
Cass, Jeffrey
Studies in Popular Culture 21(3): [8 p.] 1999. (Cited from the Online edition.)
Yakir, Dan
Starlog 223: 34-35. February 1996.
American Cinematographer 78(11): 68-70. November 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(4/5): 8-9. October 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 16-31, 59. December 1997.
Butler, Andrew M.
Matrix No. 130: 14. March/April 1998.
Lowe, Nick
Interzone No. 129: 31-34. March 1998.
Biodrowski, Steve
Cinefantastique 29(9): 59. January 1998.
Moir, Patricia
Cinefantastique 29(10): 49. February 1998.
O'Hehir, Andrew
Sight and Sound 8(1): 53-54. January 1998.
Lennick, Michael
in: Rickman, Gregg, ed. The Science Fiction Film Reader. New York: Limelight, 2004. p. 41-48.
Williams, Paul
Science Fiction Film and Television 2(1): 25-44. Spring 2009.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 19. December 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 31. December 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(10): 48. February 1998.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 23, 60. December 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 28, 60. December 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 20-21. December 1997.
Cinefantastique 29(8): 22-27, 60. December 1997.
Found 56 items on 2 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.