Warren, Bill
Starlog 270: 28-31. January 2000.
Szebin, Frederick C.
Cinefantastique 31(10): 54-55. February 2000
Lowe, Nick
Interzone No. 154: 40-41. April 2000.
No authors listed.
Sight and Sound 10(3): 41-42. March 2000.
Allue, Sonia Baelo
Odisea: revista estudios ingleses No.4: 17-30. 2003.
Kolsch, Thomas
Marburg: Tectun Verlag, 2009. 273 p.
Coleman. Stephen; Hanley, Richard
in: Shapshay, Sandra, ed. Bioethics at the Movies. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. p. 44-55.
Shannon, John
Cinefex No. 81: 13-24, 145-146, 151-152. April 2000.
Starlog 271: 82-87. February 2000.
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