Tompkins, Steven
The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies No. 7: 3-14. 2003.
Ditommaso, Lorenzo
in: Szumskyj, Benjamin, ed. Two-Gun Bob: A Centennial Study of Robert E. Howard. New York: Hippocampus, 2006. p. 107-119.
Grin, Leo
in: Herron, Don, ed. The Barbaric Triumph: A Critical Anthology on the Writings of Robert E. Howard. Rockville, MD: Wildside Press, 2004. p. 141-160.
Van Hise, James
Sword and Sorcery No. 3: 6-24. July 2005.
No authors listed.
Locus 57(3): 11. September 2006.
The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies No. 2: 40. July 1991.
Online Resource, Robert E. Howard United Press Association. [2 p.]
Schweitzer, Darrell
Rockville, MD: Wildside Press, 2010. 211 p.
Krenkel, Roy
in: Van Hise, James, ed. The Fantastic Worlds of Robert E. Howard. Yucca Valley, CA: James Van Hise, 1997. pp.142-145.
Sheaffer, Scott
Ka Nama Nama Hey! 1(1): 1-21. December 2013. (No. 1.) Online resource available at: Accessed 18.July.2014.
Hoffman, Charles
Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies 5(1): 3-19. March 2010.
Derie, Bobby
In: Derie, Bobby. Weird Talers: Essays on Robert E. Howard and Others. New York: Hippocampus Press, p. 19-52.
Tompkins, Steve
Vision, Gryphons, Nothing and the Night No. 4: [15 p.] (Online resource:
Blosser, Fred
The Dark Man No. 4: 16-18. 1997.
in: Price, Robert M., ed. The Horror of It All. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1990. p. 93-97. (Reprinted from Crypt of Cthulhu Vol. 1, No. 1. 1981.)
Sasser, Damon C.
REH: Two-Gun Raconteur No. 10: 13-23. Winter 2006.
Elms, Alan C.
in: Elms, Alan C. Uncovering Lives: The Uneasy Alliance of Biography and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. pp.103-116.
Romeo, Gary
The Dark Man No. 5: 18-21. Winter 2001.
In: Derie, Bobby. Weird Talers: Essays on Robert E. Howard and Others. New York: Hippocampus Press, p. 205-220.
Lord, Glenn
Cross Plains 1(7): 35-38. September 1975
Sword and Sorcery No. 1: 57-64. January 2005.
McCollum, Rick
in: Van Hise, James, ed. The Fantastic Worlds of Robert E. Howard. Yucca Valley, CA: James Van Hise, 1997. pp.14-16.
Burke, Rusty
in: Van Hise, James, ed. The Fantastic Worlds of Robert E. Howard. Yucca Valley, CA: James Van Hise, 1997. pp.70-75.
Smith, David C.
The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies 7(1): 6-25. December 2012.
Carter, Lin
If 16(12): 92-96. December 1966. No.109,
Found 598 items on 24 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.