Larkin, Susan; Malone, Travis B.
in: Jackson, Kathy M. and West, Mark I., eds. Storybook Worlds Made Real: Essays on the Places Inspired by Children's Narratives. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. p. 186-201.
Mackenzie, Anna
In: Jarazo-Alvarez, Ruben and Alderete-Diez, Pilar, eds. Cultural Politics in Harry Potter: Life, Death and the Politics of Fear. New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 87-97.
Lopes, Juliana Valadao
In: Farr, Cecilia K., ed. Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 178-187.
Glassman, Kate
In: Farr, Cecilia K., ed. Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 135-153.
Schuck, Raymond I.
in; Bell, Christopher, ed. Wizards vs. Muggles: Essays on Identity and the Harry Potter Universe. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. p. 9-26.
Vertoskik, Samantha J.
in: Bell, Christopher E., ed. Inside the World of Harry Potter: Critical Essays on the books and Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 21-32.
Dahlen, Sarah P.; Schell, Kallie
In: Thomas, Ebony and Dahlen, Sarah P., eds. Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi 2022. p. 86-104.
Grimes, M. Katherine
in: Whited, Lana A. and Grimes, M. Katherine, eds. Critical Insights: The Harry Potter Series. Ipswich: Salem Press, 2015. p. 27-48.
Berloge, Sabine
in: Kutzmutz, Olaf, ed. Harry Potter oder Warum wir Zauberer brauchen. Wolfenbüttel: Bundesakademie für kulturelle Bildung, 2001. p. 20-32,
In: Garbe, Christine and Philipp, Maik, eds. "Harry Potter" - Ein Literatur- und Medienereignis im Blickpunkt interdisziplinärer Forschung. Münster, Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 2006. p. 101-111.
Malcher, Johanna; Staab, Katharina
in: Kurwinkle, Tobias, Schmerheim, Philipp, and Kurwinkel, Annika, eds. Harry Potter Intermedial. Untersuchungen zu den (Film-)Welten von Joanne K. Rowling. Wurzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2014. p. 225-240.
Hammond, Lauren; Pershing, Linda
in: Basu, Balaka and Lauer, Emily, eds. The Harry Potter Generation: Essays on Growing Up With the Series. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2019. p. 186-204.
Garbe, Christine; Philipp, Maik
Münster, Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 2006. 326 p.
Henderson, Tolonda
in: Bell, Christopher E., ed. Inside the World of Harry Potter: Critical Essays on the books and Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. p. 33-43.
Patterson, Diana
in: Goetz, Sharon K., ed. Phoenix Rising: Collected Papers on Harry Potter, 17-21 May 2007. Sedelia, CO: Narrate Conferences, 2008. p. 319-329.
Collinsworth, Kelly E.
in: Bell, Christopher, ed. From Here to Hogwarts: Essays on Harry Potter Fandom and Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 7-27.
Beatty, Bronwyn
in: Bell, Christopher, ed. From Here to Hogwarts: Essays on Harry Potter Fandom and Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 99-122.
MacNeil, William P.
Law and Literature 14(3): 545-564. 2002.
Villeponteaux, Mary
In: Jarazo-Alvarez, Ruben and Alderete-Diez, Pilar, eds. Cultural Politics in Harry Potter: Life, Death and the Politics of Fear. New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 42-52.
Schollenberger, Justyna
In: Kostecka, Weronika and Skowera, Maciej, eds. Harry Potter. Fenomen społeczny - zjawisko literackie - ikona popkultury. Warszawa: SBP, 2014. p. 99-110.
Arch, Wendy M. R.
Master's Thesis, Iowa State University, 2010. 72 p. (MAI 49/01, Feb 2011)
Rose, Jonathan A.
In: Farr, Cecilia K., ed. Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2022. p. 154-165.
Army, Abigail G.
Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2022. 58 p. (MAI 83(11)(E).)
Nielson, Heidi
Reason Papers 34(1): 137-143. June 2012
Tosenberger, Catherine
Children's Literature Association Quarterly 33(2): 200-206. Summer 2008.
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