Ostry, Elaine
in: Anatol, Giselle L., ed. Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. p. 89-101.
Martin, Robin
in: Goetz, Sharon K., ed. Phoenix Rising: Collected Papers on Harry Potter, 17-21 May 2007. Sedelia, CO: Narrate Conferences, 2008. p. 404-412.
Tinklenberg, Jessica L.
In: Rovan, Marcie P. and Wehler, Melissa, ed. Lessons from Hogwarts: Essays on the Pedagogy of Harry Potter. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 92-105.
Gelder, Ken
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 90 p.
Nikolajeva, Maria
in: Berndt, Katrin and Steveker, Lena. Heroism in the Harry Potter Series. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011. p. 193-206.
Martinez, Justin
M. Phil. Thesis, University of South Wales (United Kingdom), 2024. 50 p. (MAI 86(4).) https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/8f4277d4-2cab-4363-8d20-22cb1e264d97 (396 Kb)
Sturzer, Anja
in: Fornet-Ponse, Thomas, ed. Tolkien Influence on Fantasy. Bonn: Scriptorium Oxoniae, 2012. p. 80-107. (Hither Shore: Interdisiplinary Journal on Modern Fantasy, Band 9)
McEvoy, Kathleen
Topic : Washington and Jefferson College Review 54: 14-23. 2004.
Bruwer, Debbie
M. Phil. Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 2005. 96 p.
No authors listed.
in: Farr, Cecilia K., ed. A Wizard of Their Age: Critical Essays from the Harry Potter Generation. Albany: SUNY Press, 2015. p. 251-265.
Kleinberger, Daniel S.
in: Thomas, Jeffrey E. and Snyder, Franklin G., eds. The Law and Harry Potter. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2010. p. 349-364.
Dunne, John A.; Shortiand, Neil D.
In: Jarazo-Alvarez, Ruben and Alderete-Diez, Pilar, eds. Cultural Politics in Harry Potter: Life, Death and the Politics of Fear. New York: Routledge, 2020. p. 165-177.
Pyle, Mary
In: Mamary, Anne J., ed. The Alchemical Harry Potter: Essays on Transfiguration in J.K. Rowling’s Novels. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 209-224.
Cowell, Alan
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in: Tandy, Heidi H., ed. Selected Papers from Nimbus-2003. Compendium. Houston, TX: HP Education Fanon, 2005. p. 373-379.
Frey, Andrea; Wagner, Friederike
In: Garbe, Christine and Philipp, Maik, eds. "Harry Potter" - Ein Literatur- und Medienereignis im Blickpunkt interdisziplinärer Forschung. Münster, Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 2006. p. 183-212.
Frey, Andrea; Wagner, Friederik
in: Garbe, Christine and Philipp, Maik, eds. Harry Potter: Ein Literatur- und Medienereignis im Blickpunkt interdisziplinaerer Forschung. Hamburg: Lit, 2006. p. 183-212.
Lexe, Heidi
Wien: Praesens, 2002. 126 p.
in: Lexe, Heidi, ed. Book	"Alohomora!" : Ergebnisse des ersten Wiener Harry-Potter-Symposions. Wein: Praesens, 2002. p. 9-14.
Kniesler, Sarah M.
in: Bell, Christopher E., Ed. Hermione Granger Saves the World: Essays on the Feminist Heroine of Hogwarts. Jefferson, NC: McFarlan, 2012. p. 87-104.
Lee, Laura Yiyin
Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture 7(1): 65-92. December 2013.
Steveker, Lena
in: Berberich, Christine, ed. The Bloomsbury Introduction to Popular Fiction. London: Bloomsbury, 2015. p. 147-162.
Zimmermann, Holger
In: Knobloch, Jörg, ed. 'Harry Potter' in der Schule. Didaktische Annäherungen an ein Phänomen. Mühlheim an der Ruhr: Verlag an der Ruhr, 2001. p. 89-98.
Frankel, Valerie E.
In: Frankel, Valerie E., ed. Harry Potter, Still Recruiting: An Inner Look at Harry Potter Fandom. Hamden, CT: Zossima Press. 2012. p. 124-125.
Arden, Heather; Lorenz, Kathryn
In: Wright, Will and Kaplan, Steven, eds: The Image of the Outsider in Literature, Media, and Society: Selected Papers, 2002 Conference, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery. Pueblo, CO.: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, 2002. p. 430-434.
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