McGregory, Jerrilyn
Femspec 6(1): 3-17. 2005.
Ramraj, Ryby S.
in: Easton, Lee/Schroeder, Randy The Influence of Imagination: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy as Agents of Social Change. Jefferson, NC: McFarland , 2008. p. 131-138.
Altaf, Sana; Parry, Aqib Javid
Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 22(1): 133-144. April 2024.
Farabee, Mindy
Los Angeles Times Books March 21, 2013. From the online edition:,0,4217315.story
Rutledge, Gregory
Foundation No. 81: 22-39. Spring 2001.
Booker, M. Keith; Thomas, Anne-Marie
in: Booker, M. Keith and Thomas, Anne-Marie. The Science Fiction Handbook. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. p. 299-305.
Heaphy, Maura
In: Heaphy, Maura. 100 Most Popular Science-Fiction Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies. Libraries Unlimited, 2010. p. 233-236.
Latham, Robert A.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 21(3): 339. 2010. (No. 80)
No authors listed.
Online Resource: [5 p.]
Online Resource: [5 p.]
Brown, Charles N.
In: Lavender, Isiah, lIl, ed. Conversations with Nalo Hopkinson. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2023. p. 3-11. (Reprinted from Locus Magazine, January 1999.)
Locus 42(1): 8-9, 76-77. January 1999.
In: Lavender, Isiah, lIl, ed. Conversations with Nalo Hopkinson. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2023. p. 60-67. (Reprinted from Locus Magazine, October 2001)
Locus 47(4): 6, 75-77. October 2001.
Vaatanen, Paivi
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Helsinki, 2021. 211 p.
Hancock, Brecken
in: Weiss, Allan, ed. The Canadian Fantastic in Focus: New Perspectivs. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015. p. 95-105.
Winter, Jerome D.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2015. 347 P. (DAI-A 77/01(E))
Wisker, Gina
Journal of Gender Studies 23(3): 302-316. July 2014.
Clarke, Tricia Ferdinand
Ph. D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 2019. 165 p. (DAI-A 81(4)(E).)
Enteen, Jillana
Science Fiction Studies 34(2): 262-282. July 2007.
Abreu Toribio, Mailyn
Master's Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 2019. 62 p. (MAI 58(6)(E).)
Nelson, Diane
Science Fiction Studies 39(3): 437-458. November 2012.
Montgomery, Maxine L.
New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 192 p.
Mehan, Uppinder
Intertexts 16(2): 1-14. Fall 2012
Wilby, Liam H.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Leeds, 2021.
Found 205 items on 9 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.