Cettl, Franciska
in: Heholt, Ruth and Edmundson, Melissa, eds. Gothic Animals: Uncanny Otherness and the Animal With-Out. Cham, Switzerland ; Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. p. 187-204.
Hallback, Cajsa
Master's thesis, Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), 2023. (DAI-C 85(3)(E).) https://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1662800&dswid=1046 (777 Kb)
Pagetti, Carlo
in: Cimmino, Luigi, et al,, eds. Umanesimo e rivolta in Blade Runner: Ridley Scott vs Philip K. Dick. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2015. p. 9-16.
Lison, Andrew
Science Fiction Studies 41(1): 45-68. March 2014.
Umland, Samuel J.
PKDS Newsletter No. 29: 12-14. September 1992.
Rudge, Chris
in: Dunst, Alexander and Schlensag, Stefan. The World According to Philip K. Dick. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 30-47.
in: Dunst, Alexander and Schlensag, Stefan, eds. The World According to Philip K. Dick, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. p. 30-47.
Rickman, Gregg
in: Umland, Samuel J., ed. Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. pp.143-156.
Dick, Philip K.
PKDS Newsletter No. 18: 1-4. August 1988.
Disch, Thomas M.
in: Disch, Thomas M. On SF. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2005. p. 105-113.
No authors listed.
Locus 54(5): 10. May 2005.
PKDS Newsletter No. 29: 5. September 1992.
Katz, Jason
Saarbruecken: Vdm Verlag Dr. Mueller, 2008. 116 p.
Khourchid, Farid Kheireddine Said
Master's Thesis, American University of Beirut, 1998. 97 p.
Bernardo, Susan M.
in: Bernardo, Susan M., Palumbo, Donald E., and Sullivan, C. W., III, eds. Environments in Science Fiction: Essays on Alternative Spaces. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014. p. 154-170.
Stephens, Christopher P.
Hastings-on-Hudson: Ultramarine, 1991. 46pp.
in: Mullen, R. D., ed. On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles From Science-Fiction Studies. Terre Haute, IN: SF-TH Inc., 1992. pp.73.
Lupoff, Richard A.
Science Fiction Eye 1(2):45-54. August 1987.
Nelson, Ray F.
in: Apel, D. Scott, ed. Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection. San Jose, CA: Permanent Press, 1987. pp.131-141.
Lovins, Christopher
MOSF Journal of Science Fiction 3(1): [14 p.]. 2019. https://publish.lib.umd.edu/scifi/article/view/475/346
In: Lupoff, Richard A. Writer, Volume 2. Vancleave, MS: Ramble House, 2013. p. 145-158.
PKDS Newsletter No. 30: 1-4. December 1992.
in: Apel, D. Scott, ed. Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection. San Jose, CA: Permanent Press, 1987. pp.283-287.
Toth, Robert J.
Wall Street Journal p. A20. April 27, 1999.
Rosa, Jorge M.
Science Fiction Studies 35(1): 60-71. March 2008.
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