McCourt, Amanda M.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 2024. 347 p.
Westfahl, Gary
In: Sandner, David, ed. Philip K. Dick: Essays of the Here and Now. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 107-114.
Kavanagh, Ciaran
Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 4: 8-25. 2019.
Hederer, Christain
Quarber Merkur No. 60:61-69. December 1983.
Tiptree, James, Jr.
New York Review of Science Fiction No. 63: 16. November 1993.
Watson, David
Senior Thesis, Dickinson College, 1997. 37 p.
Rampell, Palmer
Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 2017. 275 p. (DAI-A 79(5)(E).)
Rickels, Laurence A.
Fort Wayne, IN: Anti-Oedipus Press, c2014. 269 p.
Ambrosiano, Jason
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside, 2002. x, 213 p. (DAI-A 63(11), p. 3943, May 2003)
Ditommaso, Lorenzo
Science Fiction Studies 28(1): 49-65. March 2001.
Tseng, Laurie Jui-Hua
Ex-position 46: 21-43. December 2021.
Berman, Mark; Newnham, David
The Guardian p. 34. July 24, 1990.
Suvin, Darko
Extrapolation 43(4): 368-397. Winter 2002.
Martinez, Arianna Renee
Master's Thesis, University of Notre Dame (Indiana), 2024. iii, 53 p. (333 Kb)
Keen, Tony
Vector No. 286: 20-21. Autumn 2017.
Parkinson, Bob
Speculation 21:12-14. February 1969.
Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media & Culture 31(1/2): 106-123. Winter/Spring 2009.
No authors listed.
Locus 54(6): 10, 80. June 2005.
Oniki, Yuji
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1999. 224 p. (DAI-A 60(5): 1544. Nov. 1999.)
Pavlus, John
American Cinematographer 87(7): 44-53. July 2006.
De Meester, Gilbert
in: De Vos, Luk, ed. Just the Other Day. Antwerp: Restant, 1985. pp.471-480.
Howard, Helen L.
Master's Thesis, Trent University (Canada), 2000. 144 p. (MAI 38(5): 1170. Oct. 2000.)
Corliss, Richard
Time 159(25): 63. June 24, 2002.
Cassou-Nogu�s, Pierre
Cycnos 22(1): 151-164. Octobre 2005. (La science-fiction dans l’histoire, l’histoire dans la science-fiction)URL :
Gomes, Anderson S.
in: Nolasco, Edgar C.; Londero, Rodolfo R., eds. Volta ao mundo da ficção científica. Campo Grande, MS: Eitora UFMS, 2007. p. 53-68.
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