Wiart, Francois
Master's Thesis, Lille 3, 2000. 96 p.
Disch, Thomas M.
in: Disch, Thomas M. On SF. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2005. p. 160-168.
Wagner, Jeff
Foundation 34: 69-96. Autumn 1985.
Ubelhor, Anthony E.
Master's Thesis, University of Kentucky, 2002. iv, 64 p.
Whitmarsh, Patrick
Ph. D. Dissertation, Boston University, 2019. 419 p. (DAI-A 81(7)(E).)
Freedman, Carl H.
Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2002. 203 p.
Mathieson, Kenneth G.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of East Anglia, U. K., 1983. (DAI-C 46(3): 592. 1985.; DAI-C 70(70).) [Not seen.]
Science-Fiction Studies 12(1): 22-32. March 1985.
Ciardi, Fabio C.
in: Cimmino, Luigi, et al,, eds. Umanesimo e rivolta in Blade Runner: Ridley Scott vs Philip K. Dick. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2015. p. 141-170.
Opitz, Andrew
in: Kuchler, Ulrike, Maehl, Silja, and Stout, Graeme A., eds. Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. p. 113-128.
Vest, Jason P.
PH. D. Dissertation, Washington University, 2004. 442 p. (DAI-A 66(1): 181. July 2005.)
Van Hise, James
Science Fiction Times (Germany) 24(6):15-18. June 1982.
Vitale, Joe
Online resource: www.philipkdick.com/interviews/aquarian.htm [8 p.] (Reprinted from The Aquarian, No. 11, October 11-18, 1978.)
Apel, D. Scott; Briggs, Kevin C.
PDKS Newsletter 5:1, 5-7. December 1984.
PDKS Newsletter 6:1-2, 11-14. April 1985.
DePrez, Daniel
Science Fiction Review No. 19:6-12. August 1976. (issue identified on contents page as vol. 5, no. 3, whole no. 18)
Heyne Science Fiction Magazine 4: 39-52. 1982. (Translated from English-Source not identified)
Bishop, Michael
in: Dick, P. K. Ubik. Boston: Gregg, 1979. pp. v-xvi.
Disch, T. M.
in: Dick, P. K. Solar Lottery. Boston: Gregg, 1976. pp. v-xvi.
Lupoff, Richard A.
in: Dick, P. K. A Handfull of Darkness. Boston: Gregg, 1978. pp. v-xviii.
Platt, Charles
in: Dick, P. K. The Zap Gun. Boston: Gregg, 1979. pp. v-xii.
Stathis, Lewis
in: Dick, P. K. Time Out of Joint. Boston: Gregg, 1979. pp. v-xiv.
Umland, Samuel J.
in: Umland, Samuel J., ed. Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. pp.1-6.
Brooker, Will
in: Brooker, Will, ed. The Blade Runner Experience: The Legacy of a Science Fiction Classic. New York : Wallflower, 2005. p. 1-10.
Sandner, David
In: Sandner, David, ed. Philip K. Dick: Essays of the Here and Now. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. p. 1-12.
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