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in: Bould, Mark et al. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2009. p. 484-488.
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Hollinger, Veronica
in: James, Edward and Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. p. 125-136.
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Ammen, Sharon
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in: Engel, Gisela and Marx, Birgit, eds. Utopische Perspektiven. Dettelbach: Roell, 1998. p. 75-90.
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in: Mayerhofer, Petra/Spehr, Christoph, eds. Out of This World! Beiträge zu Science Fiction, Politik und Utopie. Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 2002. p. 83-92.
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in: Booker, M. Keith, ed. Contemporary Speculative Fiction. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. p. 51-70.
Asimov, Isaac
in: Asimov, Isaac. The Tyrannosaurus Prescription and 100 Other Essays. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, 1989. pp.294-296. (Reprinted from Vogue, October 1982.
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In: Cavalcanti, Ildney and Prado, Amanda, eds. Mundos Gendrados Alternativamente: Ficcao Cientifica, Utopia, Distopia. Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil: EdUFAL, 2011. p. 199-222.
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in: Manley, Seon, and Belcher, Susan, eds. O, Those Extraordinary Women. Philadelphia: Chilton, 1972. pp. 31-56.
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in: Merrick, Helen and Williams, Tess, eds. Women of Other Worlds: Excursions Through Science Fiction and Feminism. Nedlands, WA: University of Western Australia Press, 1999. pp. 115-139.
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