Gelbart, Nina R.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1974. 194 p.
No authors listed.
Science Fiction Chronicle 7(2): 42. November 1985.
Nicot, Stephanie; Thomas, Pascal J.
Locus 18(1): 30. January 1985.
Pelosato, Alain
Givors: SFM éditions, les éditions, 2019. 708 p.
Locus 20(3): 22. March 1987.
Locus 20(8): 31. May 1987.
Locus 29(5): 5. November 1992
Locus 31(6): 39-40. December 1993.
Hill, David J.
Singularity Hub (Online Resource) (Accessed 15.October.2012)
Science Fiction Chronicle 3(4):18. January 1982.
Stableford, Brian M.
New York Review of Science Fiction 22(5): 1, 8-11. January 2010. (No. 257)
Mitchell, Lia
French Review 89(3): 109-123. March 2016.
Chatelain, Daniele; Slusser, George E.
in: Parrinder, Patrick/Partington, John S., eds. The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe. New York: Continuum, 2005. p. 280-301.
Dolidon, Annabelle
Nottingham French Studies 58(1): 14–27. 2019.
Fulton, Helen
Quondam et Futurus 3(2): 1-25. Summer 1993.
Locus 23(2):41. August 1989.
Harpold, Terry
Verniana: Jules Verne Studies 9: 57-86. 2016/2017.
Joslin, Isaac V.
Athens: Ohio University Press, 2023. 340 p.
Stableford, Brian
in: de Parville, Henri. An Inhabitant of the Planet Mars, translated by Brian Stableford. Encino, CA: Black Coat Press, 2008. p. .181-197.
Chalmers, Madeleine
In: Cave, Stephen and Dihal, Kanta, eds. Imagining AI: How 
the World Sees Intelligent Machines. Oxford, UK: Oxford 
University Press, 2023. p. 39-55.
Brean, Simon
in: Wolf, Nelly and Remy, Matthieu, eds. Ce que Mai 68 a fait à la littérature Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2020. p. 111-122.
Sullivan, C. W., III
in: Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1979. pp. 38-42.
Campos, Elisabeth
Marseille: CGR Editions, 1998. 255pp.
Steinmuller, Karlheinz
in: Mamczak, Sascha and Jeschke, Wolfgang, eds. Das Science Fiction Jahr, 2008. Munchen: Heyne, 2008. p. 83-103.
Breakiron, Lee A.
The Nemedian Chroniclers No. 20: [16 p.] 2016.
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