Doughty, Terri
in: Trocha, Bogda, Rzyman, Aleksander and Rzyman, Tomasz R., eds In the Mirror of the Past: Of Fantasy and History, ed. by Bogda Trocha, Aleksander Rzyman and Tomasz R. Rzyman. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. p. 69-82.
West, Alan George H.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Ottawa, 2001. 450 p. (DAI-A 63(5): 1845. November 2002.)
Beardsley, Edward H.
International Social Science Review 68(4): 161-169. Fall 1993.
Matthews, Jolie Christine
Popular Communication 16(3): Jul-Sep 2018. 225-242
Gouanvic, Jean-Marc
Change No. 40: 85-104. March 1981.
Leake, Katherine J.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1993. iv, 305 p. (DAI-A 54: 2146. December 1993)
Duncan, Randy; Smith, Matthew J.
New York: Continuum, 2009. x, 346 p.
Duncan, Randy; Levitz, Paul; Smith, Matthew J.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. 437 p.
Hirsch, Paul S.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021. 344 p.
Bould, Mark
in: Luckhurst, Roger. Science Fiction: A Literary History. London: British Library, 2018. p. 102-129.
Webb, Samantha
in: Bennett, Betty T. and Curran, Stuart, eds. Mary Shelley in Her Times. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. pp. 119-133.
Manni, Franco
Mallorn: Journal of the Tolkien Society No. 47: 28-37. Spring 2007.
Tron, Daniel
Cycnos 22(2): [21 p.]. October, 2005. URL:
Leslie, Marina
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. 200pp.
Miller, Mary Catherine
Ph. D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 2017. 205 p. (DAI-A 78(10)(E).)
Pagel, Michel
Cycnos 22(1): 75-80. October 2005. (La science-fiction dans l’histoire, l’histoire dans la science-fiction) URL :
Attali, Maureen
in: Bost-Fievet, Melanie and Provini, Sandra, eds . L'Antiquite dans l'imaginaire contemporain: fantasy, science-fiction, fantastique. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2014. p. 299-320.
Justice, Christopher
in: Ni Fhlainn, Sorcha, ed. The Worlds of Back to the Future: Critical Essays on the Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. p. 174-194.
Macho, Thomas H.; Wunschel, Annette
Frankfurt-am-Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2004. 384 p.
Luckhurst, Roger M.
Science Fiction Studies 37(1): 3-15. March 2010.
Rio, Yves
Change No. 40: 104-112. March 1981.
Adams, Jon-K
in: Engler, Bernd and Muller, Kurt, eds. Historiographic Metafiction in Modern American and Canadian Literature. Munchen: Schoningh, 1994. pp. 147-161.
Mendlesohn, Farah
in: Westfahl, Gary/Slusser, George E., eds. Science Fiction, Canonization, Marginalization, and the Academy. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002. pp. 119-125.
Telotte, J. P.
New York: Routledge, 2014. 223 p.
Luckhurst, Roger
London: British Library, 2018. 256 p.
Found 197 items on 8 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.