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in: Kears, Carl and Paz, James, eds. Medieval Science Fiction. London: King's College, 2016. p. 117-132.
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in: Heinecke, Berthold, ed. Science Fiction im Barock: Beitr�ge zur Tagung auf Schloss Hundisburg, vom 15. bis 17. Mai 2009,. Berlin: Weidler, 2013. p. 117-154.
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in: Seed, David, ed. Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and Its Precursors. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995. pp.1-25.
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No authors listed.
Locus 15(7):17-18. July 1982.
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Givors: SFM éditions, les éditions, 2019. 708 p.
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SF Times No. X1: 4-6. December (2) 1959. (Published with No. 329)
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Starlog 3: 18-23. January 1977.
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New York: Lang, 1998. 346 p. (Based on the author's Ph. D. Dissertation.)
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Sterling, Bruce
Time Magazine TimeDaily (On-line). [5pp.] March 23, 1999. (Time 153: 200- . March 29, 1999)
Fantasy Commentator 8(1/2): 22-31. Winter 1993/1994. (Whole No. 45/46)
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Wessells, Henry
New York: Grolier Club, 2018. 287 p.
Schmidt, Stanley
Analog 125(1/2): 4-10. January/February 2005.
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in: Full Length Articles, No. 2, 1939. 35 p. (Reprinted in: Hansen, Rob, ed. Challenging Moskowitz: 1930s Fandom Revisited. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2021. p. 8-55. (https://taff.org.uk/ebooks.php?x=ChalMosk )
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Resnick, Mike
Pirate Writings 4(4): 13. 1996. (No. 12)
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Science Fiction Age 2(3): 30, 86. March 1994.
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in: Paradis, Andrea, ed. Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. s. l.: Quarry Press, 1995. pp. 66-75.
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Utopian Studies 15(2): 117-140. 2004.
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Chicago: Advent Publishers, 1964. 224 p.
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in: Reginald, Robert. Xenograffiti: Essays in Fantastic Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1996. pp.101-128.
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in: Stocker, Jack H., ed. Chemistry and Science Fiction. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1998. pp. 3-19.
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in: Rottensteiner, Franz, ed. The Best of Austrian Science Fiction. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 2001. pp. i-xx.
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Science Fiction Studies 47(2): 161-174. July 2020.
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Kaplan, Carter
Extrapolation 40(3): 200-212. Fall 1999.
Found 2,383 items on 24 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.