Kaplan, Carter
Extrapolation 40(3): 200-212. Fall 1999.
Lundwall, S. J.
Foundation 34: 5-16. Autumn 1985.
Taves, Brian
Library of Congress Information Bulletin 53(1): 7-11. January 10, 1994.
Shepherd, W. Andrew
In: Canavan, Gerry and Link, Eric C. eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. p. 101-119.
Elliot, Jeffrey M.
Center Harbor, NH: Niekas Publications, 1991. 96pp.
Harrington, Anne
Synthesis 5(2): 2-21. 1982.
Ghezzo, Davide
IT: Edizioni della Vigna, 2011. 218 p.
Tatsumi, Takayuki
in: Bolton, Christopher; Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan, Jr.; Tatsumi, Takayuki, eds. Robot Ghosts, Wired Dreams: Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2007. p. 250-260.
Stableford, Brian
in: de Parville, Henri. An Inhabitant of the Planet Mars, translated by Brian Stableford. Encino, CA: Black Coat Press, 2008. p. .181-197.
Davin, Eric L.
Fantasy Commentator 6(1):4-25, 39-47. Fall 1987. (Whole No. 37) (Comment, S. Moskowitz, p. 63-64.)
Hartwell, D. G.
New York: Walker, 1984. 201 p.
Hartwell, David G.
New York: Tor, 1996. 319pp. (Newly Revised Edition)
Rabkin, Eric S.; Simon, Carl P.
Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 2(2): 45-58. Spring 2001.
Cave, Stephen; Dihal, Kanta; Dillon, Sarah
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. 424 p.
Stephan, Halina
Canadian-American Slavic Studies 18(1/2): 63-75. Spring/Summer 1984.
Harris-Fain, Darren
in: Harris-Fain, Darren, ed. British Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Before World War I. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1997. pp.35-44.
Clark, Stephen R. L.
in: Seed, David, ed. Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and Its Precursors. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995. pp.172-194.
Rovin, Jeff
New York: Facts on File, 1995. 372pp.
Lowndes, Robert A. W.
Science Fiction Fan 3(5): 7-10, 18. December 1938.
Warner, Harry, Jr.
Framingham, MA: NESFA, 2004. 399 p. Includes and expanded index and additional photographs.
Chicago: Advent, 1969. 336 p.
E-Book, TAFF Website, 1997. 2261 p. https://taff.org.uk/ebooks.php?x=AOY
Luckhurst, Roger
in: Luckhurst, Roger. Science Fiction. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2005. p. 120-137.
Webb, Stephen
New York: Springer, 2017. 344 p.
Foni, Fabrizio
Napoli: Tunue, 2007. 334 p.
Clarke, I. F.
Futures 17(2):170-184. April 1985.
Futures 16(3): 315-324. June 1984.
Futures 16(2): 183-193. April 1984.
Futures 16(4): 425-434. August 1984.
Futures 16(5): 533-542. October 1984.
Futures 16(6): 637-647. December 1984.
Sjrovj, Daniel
Fantasy Studies Vol. 1: 185-210. 2016.
Urban, Laszlo
Quarber Merkur 69:53-72. Juli 1988.
Suvin, Darko
Science-Fiction Studies 3(3):239-248. November 1976.
Gunn, James E.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1975. 256 p. Reprinted, New York: A&W Visual Library, 1976.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. 304 p.
McKnight, Edgar V., Jr.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1994. 242 p. (DAI-A 55(11): 3507. May 1995.)
Drown, Eric M.
Online Resource: http://home.gwu.edu/~edrown/ [19 p.] 2002.
Herwald, Michelle H.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1977. 613pp. (DAI-A 38(11): 6726. May 1978.)
Moskowitz, Sam
Fantasy Review 9(2):8-10, 38. February 1986.
Fantasy Review 9(3):8-10, 40. March 1986.
Doe, Zachary
Master's thesis, Hunter College, 2021. 44 p. https://academicworks.cuny.edu/hc_sas_etds/760/
Ashley, Mike
Amazing Stories 66(9): 55-59. January 1992.
Amazing Stories 66(10): 64-67. February 1992.
Amazing Stories 66(11): 58-63. March 1992.
Amazing Stories 67(1): 49-54. April 1992.
Amazing Stories 67(2): 59-64. May 1992.
Amazing Stories 67(3): 52-56. June 1992.
Amazing Stories 67(4): 47-56. July 1992.
Lalli, C. G.
Amazing 56(5): 116-117. March 1983.
No authors listed.
Time 34(2): 32. July 10, 1939. (Responses from Charles D. Hornig and August Derleth, Time, 34(5): 2. July 31, 1939.)
Cheng, John
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1997. xix, 392pp. (DAI-A 59(3): 928. 1998)
Franklin, H. Bruce
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.240-241.
Verhoeven, W. M.
in: Verheul, Jaap, ed. Dreams of Paradise, Visions of Apocalypse : Utopia and Dystopia in American Culture. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2004. p. 13-25.
Science-Fiction Studies 9(1): 38-50. March 1982. Also in: Slusser, George E., ed. Coordinates. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. pp. 107-123.
Browning, John E.; Rhodes, Gary D.
In: Cameron, Brooke and Karpenko, Lara, eds. The Vampire in Nineteenth-Century Literature: A Feast of Blood. New York: Routledge, 2022. p.170-182.
Futures 18(5): 698-711. October 1986.
Futures 18(6): 808-820. December 1986.
Futures 18(4): 584-596. August 1986.
Futures 18(3): 464-475. June 1986.
Roemer, Kenneth M.
New York: Burt Franklin, 1981. 410 p.
Dane, Clemence
Fortnightly 145(ns 139): 465-470. April 1936. Same, revised: North American Review 242: 143-152. September 1936. Reprinted In: Sawyer, Andy, ed. Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2020. Vol. 1, p. 133-139.
Kincaid, Paul
in: James, Edward and Mendlesohn, Farah, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature, ed. by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. p. 36-49.
Ross, Eugene G.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Virginia, 1949. 335 p.
Dauber, Jeremy
Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2024-10-01. 480 p.
Madison, Nathan V.
In: Lanzendorfer, Tim, ed. The Routledge Companion To The British and North American Literary Magazine. New York: Routledge, 2022. p. 232-242.
Goldman, Stephen H.
Studia Anglica Posmaniensia 13: 163-176. 1982.
Cummins, Elizabeth
Extrapolation 40(4): 314-319. Winter 1999.
Joyce, Steve; Long, Harry; Nicolella, Henry; Soister, John T.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. 2 Vols, 810 p.
Molson, Francis J.
in: Sullivan, C. W., III, ed. Young Adult Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. pp. 7-20.
Thompson, Robert G.
Science Fiction Fan 4(2): 5-10, 16. September 1939.
Murray, Will
EI 9(3): 11-14. June 2010. (No. 50)
Norman, Joseph
in: Hubble, Nick and Mousoutzanis, Aris, eds. The Science Fiction Handbook. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. p. 16-30.
Pohl, Frederik
Futures Past: 1926 (Convoy, OH) pp.12-17. 1991.
Hayden, Judy A.; Levy, David H.
in: Hayden, Judy A., ed. Literature in the Age of Celestial Discovery From Copernicus to Flamsteed. New York: Plagrave Macmillan, 2016. p. 75-90.
Haldeman, Joe
Foundation No. 85: 5-7. Summer 2002.
Walton, Jo
New York: Tor, 2018. 574 p.
Williamson, Jack
in: Cunningham, Jesse G., ed. Science Fiction. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 2002. p. 78-86. (Excerpted from The Years of Wonder, in Voices for the Future, 1976.)
Analog 135(6): 76-88. June 2015.
Boutault, Jessica
Thesis, Université Paris III, 2008. 742 p,
Bainbridge, William S.
Analog 100(1): 121-134. January 1980.
Barron, Neil
Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004. 995 p.
New York: Bowker, 1976. 471 p.
Silverberg, Robert
in: Silverberg, Robert. Musings and Meditations: Reflection on Science Fiction and Other Matters. New York: Nonstop, 2011. p. 304-307. (Reprinted from Asimov's Science Fiction, Mary 2003.)
Baker, Kage
San Francisco, CA: Tachyon, 2011. 201 p.
Scott, Ronald F.
Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, 2005. 249 p. (DAI-A 66(9), March 2006.)
LaGrandeur, Kevin
Florence, KY: Routledge, 2013. 222 p.
Nowotny, Peter
in: Faulstich, Werner and Korte, Helmut, eds. Fischer Filmgeschichte Band 1: Von den Anfängen bis zum etablierten Medium 1895-1924. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. p. 168-181
Brandt, Hans-Jurgen
in: Faulstich, Werner and Korte, Helmut, eds. Fischer Filmgeschichte Band 1: Von den Anfängen bis zum etablierten Medium 1895-1924. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. p. 86-98,
Canalda, Jose C.
in: Martinez de la Hidalga, Fernando, ed. Ciencia ficción española. Madrid: Ediciones Robel, 2002. p. 317-330.
Sharp, Patrick B.
in: Bould, Mark, Butler, Andrew M., and Vint, Sherryl, eds. The New Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 138-146.
Reid, Robin A.
in: Bould, Mark, Butler, Andrew M., and Vint, Sherryl, eds. The New Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2024. p. 147-154.
Rogers, Deborah D.
in: Harris-Fain, Darren, ed. British Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Before World War I. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1997. pp.214-221.
Asimov, Isaac
in: Asimov, Isaac. Asimov on Science Fiction. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1981. pp. 249-253.
Kessler, Carol F.
in: Kessler, Carol K., ed. Daring to Dream: Utopian Stories by United States Women, 1836-1919. Boston, MA: Pandora Press, 1984. pp.233-266.
Malzberg, Barry N.
in: Malzberg, Barry N. Engines of the Night. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982. pp. 14-18.
Uribe, Augusto
New York Review of Science Fiction 22(4): 15. December 2009. (No. 256)
Kemp, Earl T.
EI 9(2; [#49]): 8-100. April 2010.
EI 8(3; [#44]): 20-78. June 2009.
EI 8(4; [#45]): 50-80. August 2009.
Found 2,364 items on 24 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.