Moskowitz, Sam
Fantasy Commentator 8(1/2): 22-31. Winter 1993/1994. (Whole No. 45/46)
Westfahl, Gary
Foundation No. 54: 52-70. Spring 1992.
Wessells, Henry
New York: Grolier Club, 2018. 287 p.
Schmidt, Stanley
Analog 125(1/2): 4-10. January/February 2005.
Gustafson, Jon
Figment: Tales from the Imagination No. 6: 4-6. January 1991.
Stashower, Daniel
Smithsonian 21(5):45-55. August 1990.
Leonardo, Edivaldo M.
Dissertation, Universidade Estadual de Campanas, 2007.
Carper, Steve
SFWA Bulletin 47(1): 24-29. Winter 2013 (No. 200)
Molesworth, Vol
Burwood, N. S. W.: Graham Stone, 2009. 34 p. (Reprint of the 1980 edition.)
Speer, Jack
in: Full Length Articles, No. 2, 1939. 35 p. (Reprinted in: Hansen, Rob, ed. Challenging Moskowitz: 1930s Fandom Revisited. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2021. p. 8-55. ( )
McGeeney, Bob
Books Are Everything 4(1):64-71. March 1991. [No. 17]
Books Are Everything 4(2):65-72. June 1991. [No. 18]
Noguerol, Claudio O.
Mentor No. 76: 16-23. October 1992.
Mentor No. 78: 39-49. April 1993.
No authors listed.
Mentor No. 77: 37-45. January 1993.
Hollywood, CA: Hollywood Select Video, 1962. 1 videocassette, VHS, 60 minutes. (Cited from OCLC)
Hollinger, Veronica
Science Fiction Studies 37(1): 23-33. March 2010.
Ulrich, Bertram R.
Film International 20(3): 56-66. September 2022.
Hornig, Charles D.
In: Hansen, Rob, ed. Challenging Moskowitz: 1930s Fandom Revisited. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2021. p. 71-72. ( ) (Reprinted from Fantasy Commentator #12 (Fall 1946)
Resnick, Mike
Pirate Writings 4(4): 13. 1996. (No. 12)
Williamson, Jack
Science Fiction Age 2(3): 30, 86. March 1994.
Stableford, Brian M.
New York Review of Science Fiction 22(5): 1, 8-11. January 2010. (No. 257)
Engholm, Ahrvid
Foundation No. 72: 88-93. Spring 1998.
Mitchell, Lia
French Review 89(3): 109-123. March 2016.
Schwartz, Matthias
Russian Review 79(3): 415-431. July 2020.
Found 2,383 items on 96 pages.Show [25] [50] [100] records per page.