Franklin, H. Bruce
in: Franklin, H. Bruce. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. Revised and Expanded Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. pp.204-219.
Elliot, J. M.
in: Elliot, Jeffrey M. Pulp Voices. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1983. pp. 9-24.
Cameron, James; Frakes Randall; Graf, Céline; Peck, Brooks; Perkowitz, Sidney
Paris: Mana Books, 2019. 223 p.
Adamovic, Ivan
Extrapolation 36(4): 285-291. Winter 1995.
Munch, Detlef
Dortmund : Synergen, 2005. 100 p.
Van Genechten, Jan
Fandom Unlimited 2:35-36. Spring 1977.
Frankel, Valerie E.
Lexington Press, 2021. 230 p.
Bleiler, Everett F.
Science Fiction Studies 35(1): 1-30. March 2008.
Panshin, Alexei; Panshin, Cory
Starship 34:18-20. Spring 1979.
Bleiler, Richard
in: Harris-Fain, Darren, ed. British Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Before World War I. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1997. pp.27-34.
Rieder, John
in: Seed, David, ed. Future Wars: the Anticipations and the Fears. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, 2012. p. 85-102.
Science Fiction Studies 36(2): 284-320. July 2009.
Ketterer, David
Science Fiction Studies 15(1):82-87. March 1988.
Madle, Robert A.
Science Fiction Chronicle 20(1/2): 28. October/November 1998.
Solstein, Eric
New York: Digital Media Zone, 2002. 1 DVD.
Bova, Ben
Analog 135(6): 51-55. June 2015.
Klass, Philip
Pennsylvania English 10(2): 15-19. Spring 1984.
Kotani, Mari
Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 1994. 283pp. [In Japanese, not seen. cf. OCLC.]
Kleiner, Elaine L.
Extrapolation 15(1):25-34. December 1973.
McKie, D.
Discovery 18(214):318-322. October 1937.
Uribe, Augusto
New York Review of Science Fiction 22(4): 14-16. December 2009. (No. 256)
Westfahl, Gary
Science-Fiction Studies 19(3): 340-353. November 1992. (Reprinted in: Evans, Arthur B., ed. Vintage Visions: Essays on Early Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2014.)
Evans, Arthur B.; Miller, Ron
Scientific American. 9pp. April 1997. (Cited from the on-line edition:
Pollard, David E.
in: Pollard, David E., ed. Translation and Creation: Readings of Western Literature in Early Modern China, 1840–1918. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1998. p. 177-209.
Zentz, Gregory L.
New York: Praeger, 1991. 158pp.
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